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Term requests for 36583370 #2195

Closed eks-ebi closed 3 months ago

eks-ebi commented 6 months ago

For new term requests, please provide the following information:

Preferred term label

  1. (trait in) response to loxoprofen
  2. (trait in) response to clarithromycin
  3. (trait in) response to traditional medicine


Textual definition

  1. A trait that affects the response to a stimulus with loxoprofen, a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID).
  2. A trait that affects the response to a stimulus with clarithromycin, an antiobiotic used to treat various bacterial infections.
  3. A trait that affects the response to a stimulus with traditional medicine products.

Suggested parent term

  1. "response to loxoprofen" could go under parent "response to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory" (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/efo/EFO_0005533)
  2. "response to clarithromycin" could go under parent "response to antibiotic" (http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0046677)
  3. "reponse to traditional medicine" could go directly under "response to xenobiotic stimulus" (http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0009410)

General comments

ar-ibrahim commented 4 months ago

Terms have been created as:

OBA:2050420 trait in response to loxoprofen OBA:2050421 trait in response to clarithromycin EFO:0803689 trait in response to traditional medicine

and will be made available after the May releases: OBA (13-05-2024) and EFO (15-05-2024).