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NTRs for latest versions of 10x 3' and 5' assays #2203

Closed brian-mott closed 2 months ago

brian-mott commented 2 months ago

10x has new versions for the following assays. There should be updated terms for these assays

Preferred term label

10x 3' v4 10x 5' v3


10x 3' v4: 10x 3' v4 sequencing, 10X 3' v4 sequencing, 10X 3' v4 10x 5' v3: 10x 5' v3 sequencing, 10X 5' v3 sequencing, 10X 5' v3

Textual definition

10x 3' v4: 10X 3' v4 is the fourth version of the 10x sequencing technology that sequences from the 3' end of nucleic acid molecules. 10x 5' v3: 10X 5' v3 is the third version of the 10x sequencing technology that sequences from the 5' end of nucleic acid molecules. In the 5' assay, the polyd(T) is supplied in the RT Primer, and the template switch oligo (TSO) is part of the gel bead oligo.

Suggested parent term

10x 3' v4: 10x 3' transcription profiling (EFO:0030003) 10x 5' v3: 10x 5' transcription profiling (EFO:0030004)

https://pages.10xgenomics.com/rs/446-PBO-704/images/10x_LIT000220_Product_Sheet_GEM-X-Single-Cell-Gene-Expression_Letter_Digital.pdf https://pages.10xgenomics.com/rs/446-PBO-704/images/10x_LIT000221_Product_Sheet_GEM-X-Single-Cell-Immune-Profiling_Letter_Digital.pdf

zoependlington commented 2 months ago

Added as EFO_0022604 and EFO_0022605, which will be available after the EFO May release (15th).