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NTR for 10x Gene Expression Flex #2204

Closed brian-mott closed 5 months ago

brian-mott commented 5 months ago

10x has a new probe-based assay that can profile the human and mouse transcriptomes.

Preferred term label

10x gene expression flex


10x gene expression flex, 10x Chromium FLEX, 10X gene expression flex, 10X Chromium FLEX

Textual definition

10x Gene Expression Flex is a probe-based assay that allows for single cell transcriptome profiling of fresh, fixed, or frozen cells from either humans or mice.

Suggested parent term

Either 10x transcription profiling (EFO:0030080) or 10x technology (EFO:0008995). Open to other suggestions since this assay uses probes but can also be combined with multiome profiling techniques.

https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.01.25.577066v2.full https://www.10xgenomics.com/products/single-cell-gene-expression-flex

zoependlington commented 5 months ago

Added as EFO_0022606, which will be available after the May release (15th).