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NTR: Illumina NovaSeq X and Illumina NovaSeq X Plus #2235

Open jenjou opened 3 months ago

jenjou commented 3 months ago

This new term request is for two Illumina sequencers.

A specification sheet from Illumina for both sequencers is available at: https://www.illumina.com/content/dam/illumina/gcs/assembled-assets/marketing-literature/novaseq-x-series-spec-sheet-m-us-00197/novaseq-x-series-specification-sheet-m-us-00197.pdf

Preferred term label

Illumina NovaSeq X



Textual definition

The Illumina NovaSeq X is a high-throughput sequencing machine developed by Illumina.

Suggested parent term

EFO:0002699 high throughput sequencer

Preferred term label

Illumina NovaSeq X Plus



Textual definition

The Illumina NovaSeq X Plus is a high-throughput sequencing machine developed by Illumina.

Suggested parent term

EFO:0002699 high throughput sequencer

jenjou commented 1 month ago

Hello, my group is still interested in having terms for these new Illumina sequencers. Is it possible to consider these terms? Please let me know if there is additional information I should provide. Thank you!

zoependlington commented 1 month ago

Added as EFO_0022840 and EFO_0022841, which will be available after our August (15th) release.