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New term request for modified version of STRT-seq #2251

Open LuJiansen opened 1 month ago

LuJiansen commented 1 month ago

Preferred term label

modified STRT-seq


3' STRT-seq

Textual definition

A modified version of STRT-seq developed by Fuchou Tang's lab as described in PMID: 28457750, which enriched the 3' end of transcripts and used UMI (unique molecular identifier) for quantification.

Suggested parent term

STRT-seq (EFO:0008953)

jychien commented 1 month ago

Would be great to also have a corresponding 5' STRT-seq so that both 3' STRT-seq and 5' STRT-seq both would be children under STRT-seq (EFO:0008953):

Preferred term label: 5' STRT-seq

Textual definition: A plate based platform that targets the 5' end of transcripts using a barcoded template switching oligonucleotide.