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Protein ratio term request PMID38412862 #2258

Open eks-ebi opened 2 months ago

eks-ebi commented 2 months ago

Preferred term label

See spreadsheet (requestedTrait column): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1l2YNI4Ruo-KugvoTOPE-djvoJuxVVee1-Ipxqwa5qhY/edit?usp=sharing

These terms should be created using the ratio pattern. In each case:


In a handful of cases, the protein names extracted from the paper (numeratorProtein or denominatorProtein columns) are not equal to the official HNGC symbol (numeratorProtein_HGNC_symbol or denominatorProtein_HGNC_symbol columns) - the HGNC symbols could be added as synonyms but I don't think it's essential. Full protein names (e.g. numeratorProtein_HGNC_name column) could also be added as synonyms, but I think with the ratio pattern this might be unwieldy.

Textual definition

The ratio of the amount of numeratorProtein to denominatorProtein in the blood.

Suggested parent term

Maybe there could be a general parent term blood protein amount ratio, or similar?