EBISPOT / goci

GWAS Catalog Ontology and Curation Infrastructure
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Structured ancestry missing for the study GCST90320056 after importing to the curation app #1326

Open Santhi1901 opened 1 month ago

Santhi1901 commented 1 month ago

The structured ancestry for this study is missing after importing to the curation app, but the detailed sample description is still present.

This is a user submission and the ancestry looks all good in the template. https://www.ebi.ac.uk/gwas/depo-curation/submissions/65ef0c7ab73c7400017bb326

ljwh2 commented 2 weeks ago

Please prioritise this @sajo-ebi

sajo-ebi commented 1 week ago

based on initial investigation can't find any reason why structure ancestry should be missing, only option is to unpublish the Pmid & import submission again to debug, @Santhi1901 to coordinate with @sajo-ebi whenever this can be done

sajo-ebi commented 17 hours ago

@Santhi1901 the issue is due to type in Sample Tab , the study tag for 'GCST90320056' is 'Multi_pRCC_meta' but in Sample sheet it is provided as 'Multi_pRCC_Meta' (m is captital in Meta). the code in Curation app is case sensitive for comparing study tags , hence the structural ancestry is not inserted . Please upload the template again by correcting the Typo in Sample sheet