We deploy Celery workers to codon-slurm using GitLab CI and restart them every three days through scrontab in codon-slurm. The deployment process includes creating a .sif file, which is then utilized. However, we occasionally encounter an issue where the .sif file is not generated. In such cases, the Celery workers revert to using a fallback version from the last successful commit. This issue requires investigation and resolution.
The problem stemmed from file permissions in the sbatch script, which restarts celery workers every three days. It was resolved and verified through an sbatch script submission. Testing was successful.
We deploy Celery workers to codon-slurm using GitLab CI and restart them every three days through scrontab in codon-slurm. The deployment process includes creating a .sif file, which is then utilized. However, we occasionally encounter an issue where the .sif file is not generated. In such cases, the Celery workers revert to using a fallback version from the last successful commit. This issue requires investigation and resolution.