EBISPOT / zooma

ZOOMA - Optimal Ontology Mapping Application. http://www.ebi.ac.uk/spot/zooma.
Apache License 2.0
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Zooma seems to ignore the preferred datasource parameter #37

Closed henrietteharmse closed 4 years ago

henrietteharmse commented 5 years ago

On RT the following issue has been logged (https://helpdesk.ebi.ac.uk/Ticket/Display.html?id=371346)

I noticed that ZOOMA appears to ignore the preferred datasource ordering specified in its parameters. This can be demonstrated using two datasources, which are both produced by us (EVA) after processing each OpenTargets batch:

It appears that no matter which datasource preference I specify, clinvar-xrefs is always preferred by ZOOMA. This is unfortunate, because for the purposes of OpenTargets processing we would like to prioritise existing eva-clinvar mappings.

Here's an example API query using only eva-clinvar datasource. An HP term with a HIGH confidence is returned from that datasource:

*$ curl -s --globoff "https://www.ebi.ac.uk/spot/zooma/v2/api/services/annotate?propertyValue=Reduced+antithrombin+III+activity*&filter=required:[eva-clinvar],preferred:[eva-clinvar]"* | jq '.[0]["semanticTags"][], .[0]["confidence"]'* "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/HP_0001976" "HIGH"

Here's the same query including eva-clinvar and clinvar-xrefs datasets. Despite eva-clinvar being explicitly prioritised over clinvar-xrefs, MedGen and OMIM terms from the latter are returned:

$ curl -s --globoff "https://www.ebi.ac.uk/spot/zooma/v2/api/services/annotate?propertyValue=Reduced+antithrombin+III+activity&filter=required:[eva-clinvar,clinvar-xrefs],preferred:[eva-clinvar,clinvar-xrefs]"* | jq '.[0]["semanticTags"][], .[0]["confidence"]'* "http://identifiers.org/medgen/C0272375" "http://identifiers.org/omim/613118" "HIGH"

henrietteharmse commented 4 years ago

Mix up on the user side. This not an issue.