EBIvariation / trait-curation

A web application for manual curation of trait-to-ontology mappings, including provenance and integration with EBI SPOT stack.
Apache License 2.0
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Design a page which lists all traits which are mapped to the same ontology term #12

Open tskir opened 4 years ago

tskir commented 4 years ago

This is low priority, possibly to be implemented in late July or early August. Just creating this issue so that this use case is not forgotten.

Relationship between traits ("lung cancer") and ontology terms (EFO:123456) is many-to-one, and multiple trait names can be mapped to the same ontology term. Sometimes this is fine, because different trait names are just differently worded synonyms for the same condition. And sometimes they do represent different things and are mapped to the same ontology term by mistake (or, rather, because of mapping more specific to more general).

Hence it would be useful to have a separate page which would simply list all ontology terms which have multiple traits mapping into them, grouped by said ontology terms. Example of an output for this page (all trait names are clickable links):

EFO:123456 — lung cancer
* Lung cancer
* Lung carcinoma
* Cancer, lung

EFO:111111 — amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
* Amyotrophic lateral sclerorsis
* Aran-Duchenne Muscular Atrophy
tskir commented 4 years ago

To clarify, this issue only refers to creating the UI mockup for such a page. Implementation is to be done in a separate ticket.