I have succesfulle created the sensors in HA, but they don not update.
Must have done something wrong i the instalation proces on my pc.
Created longl-life token and copied it into the program (Does the " have to stay or go) I have left the out.
Regardng the user. It it not clear to me whether it is the "user" on PC with is "XXX" or the user in teams "XXX@compani.org"
I asume it is the later and have again left out the" The descriptons in the Get-TeamsStatus.ps1 and the Readme.md are not alike on this mater.
I realised that i had made a typeo in my first atempt after having run the powershel commands - went back and corrected the typeo and ran the powershell commands again. this time getting the error that the service already excists.
The path is where the logs.txt file is located. This is usually C:\Users\XXX\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Teams\logs.txt. You can look up the logged in username when you open a command prompt (cmd.exe) and run: echo %USERNAME%
You can also try to run the script interactive. Open up a PowerShell prompt (powershell.exe), browse to the script folder location and run it via:
To confirm you can reach the API url, you can try to start a browser and browse to the api URL. This first part is the same that you use when you browse to the Lovelace interface http(s)://yourhaurl/api/states/sensor.teams_status. You should see a 401: Unauthorized error. Please don't forget to specify the port (80, 443 or 8123).
I have succesfulle created the sensors in HA, but they don not update.
Must have done something wrong i the instalation proces on my pc.
Created longl-life token and copied it into the program (Does the " have to stay or go) I have left the out. Regardng the user. It it not clear to me whether it is the "user" on PC with is "XXX" or the user in teams "XXX@compani.org" I asume it is the later and have again left out the" The descriptons in the Get-TeamsStatus.ps1 and the Readme.md are not alike on this mater.
Url : Can I use my local IP-adress or do i need to use my HTTP://bussemand.duckdns.org:8123 Ran the PowerShellcommands - no errors
I realised that i had made a typeo in my first atempt after having run the powershel commands - went back and corrected the typeo and ran the powershell commands again. this time getting the error that the service already excists.
I hope yoe are able and willing to help me.
Kind regards