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Automated Deletion of Personal Information After Order Fulfillment #128

Open mekkim opened 2 years ago

mekkim commented 2 years ago

In order to protect the privacy of requestors, and comply with privacy law, once private information is no longer required, it should be deleted and the remaining data anonymized. I suggest some sort of automated trigger that happens X amount of time after the requestFulfilled field gets set to true (7/10/15/30 days maybe? Leeway to account for shipment tracking inquiries) that deletes the following information for that request:

mekkim commented 2 years ago

Upon chatting with @humphd, given we now store demographics in a separate catalogue so that it's not associated with requests, we can simply put the mask and test amounts in the demographics catalogue and it becomes the stand-alone-de-anonymized "statistics" catalogue. So we can simply delete whole requests from the requests catalogue at, say, 30 days after "requestFulfilled" is set to "true". No need to just delete some elements. This also gets rid of the time stamp that could otherwise be used to link the demographics entries, so it's win for privacy and simplicity.

mekkim commented 2 years ago

Is there a way to set a cronjob-like trigger where "requestFulfilled" flipping to "true" starts a 30-day timer to deletion of the whole entry?

humphd commented 2 years ago

Yes, we'll do a cron-style repeating function that runs regularly to do the cleanup.