EC-Release / sdk

The Agent SDK
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added new developer account to oaep #162

Closed ramaraosrikakulapu closed 3 years ago

ramaraosrikakulapu commented 3 years ago

added new developer account (*-d97535042cc5) to oaep

ramaraosrikakulapu commented 3 years ago

@ayasuda-ge .. integrated with upstream changes. Adding new cert is the only change. Please review and merge the PR, if changes looks good.

ramaraosrikakulapu commented 3 years ago

@ayasuda-ge .. Now the PR has remote script changes for monitoring the agent(beta) memory allocation. Below is the usage format -

docker run -it \
-e AGENT_REV=v1beta.fukuoka.1729 \
-e EC_PPS={EC_PPS} \
-e TENGU_OA2= \
-e TIME_INTERVAL={Time interval in secs to monitor the memory usage Ex:10 } \
sramarao/agent:v1beta -mod server -aid {Server_agent_Id} \
-grp {Service_Group} \
-cid {UAA_CID} -csc {UAA_CSC} -dur 3000 \
-oa2 {UAA_URL} \
-hst wss://{Gateway_URI}/agent \
-sst https://{Zone_ID} \
-zon {Zone_ID} \
-rht localhost -rpt 22 -hca 8081 -dbg