EC-Release / sdk

The Agent SDK
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Decryption failed error: v1.213 #164

Closed ramaraosrikakulapu closed 3 years ago

ramaraosrikakulapu commented 3 years ago

@pragyan111 is trying to run v1.213 agent binary in docker container and getting the decryption failed error.

Below is the command used -

docker run -it -e AGENT_REV=v1.hokkaido.213 \
-e EC_PPS=<admin-hash> \
-p 8787:8787 enterpriseconnect/agent:v1 \
-mod server  \
-aid agentid -grp default_group \
-zon zone-id \
-sst \
-hst wss:// \
-cid uaa-cid -csc uaa-csc \
-oa2 \
-dur 1200 -rht target-system -rpt taret-port-num -dbg
ramaraosrikakulapu commented 3 years ago

Below are the steps to use v1.hokkaido.213 agent binary with docker run command -

@pragyan111 .. Please follow the steps above and let us know, if you still face any problems.

ramaraosrikakulapu commented 3 years ago

KT given to the team and will help if needed.