Closed jwz16 closed 1 year ago
Successfully built Hadoop environment by docker.
sophie@sophie-ubuntu:~/bu/cs528/hadoop$ docker image ls | grep hadoop
hadoop-build-1000 latest 1b3d8fc2cd14 10 minutes ago 2.42GB
hadoop-build latest f443952733ce 10 minutes ago 2.42GB
The docker image hadoop-build-1000
contains the required environment for building Hadoop.
sophie@sophie-ubuntu:~/bu/cs528/hadoop$ ./
[+] Building 580.0s (22/22) FINISHED docker:default
=> [internal] load .dockerignore 0.0s
=> => transferring context: 2B 0.0s
=> [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile 0.0s
=> => transferring dockerfile: 3.14kB 0.0s
=> [internal] load metadata for 0.7s
=> [ 1/17] FROM 1.7s
=> => resolve 0.0s
=> => sha256:6df89402372646d400cf092016c28066391a26f5d46c00b1153e75003465484d 2.30kB / 2.30kB 0.0s
=> => sha256:edaedc954fb53f42a7754a6e2d1b57f091bc9b11063bc445c2e325ea448f8f68 27.51MB / 27.51MB 0.6s
=> => sha256:33a5cc25d22c45900796a1aca487ad7a7cb09f09ea00b779e3b2026b4fc2faba 1.13kB / 1.13kB 0.0s
=> => sha256:3246518d9735254519e1b2ff35f95686e4a5011c90c85344c1f38df7bae9dd37 424B / 424B 0.0s
=> => extracting sha256:edaedc954fb53f42a7754a6e2d1b57f091bc9b11063bc445c2e325ea448f8f68 1.0s
=> [internal] load build context 0.0s
=> => transferring context: 42.99kB 0.0s
=> [ 2/17] WORKDIR /root 0.2s
=> [ 3/17] RUN echo APT::Install-Recommends "0"; > /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/10disableextras 0.2s
=> [ 4/17] RUN echo APT::Install-Suggests "0"; >> /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/10disableextras 0.3s
=> [ 5/17] COPY pkg-resolver pkg-resolver 0.0s
=> [ 6/17] RUN chmod a+x pkg-resolver/*.sh pkg-resolver/*.py && chmod a+r pkg-resolver/*.json 0.4s
=> [ 7/17] RUN apt-get -q update && apt-get -q install -y --no-install-recommends python3 && apt-get -q install -y --no-install-recommends $(pkg-resolver/ ubuntu:focal) && apt-get 79.1s
=> [ 8/17] RUN locale-gen en_US.UTF-8 1.6s
=> [ 9/17] RUN pkg-resolver/ 2.9s
=> [10/17] RUN pkg-resolver/ ubuntu:focal 1.1s
=> [11/17] RUN pkg-resolver/ ubuntu:focal 290.1s
=> [12/17] RUN pkg-resolver/ ubuntu:focal 172.5s
=> [13/17] RUN pkg-resolver/ ubuntu:focal 0.8s
=> [14/17] RUN pkg-resolver/ ubuntu:focal 15.4s
=> [15/17] COPY /root/ 0.1s
=> [16/17] RUN chmod 755 /root/ 0.3s
=> [17/17] RUN echo '${HOME}/' >> /root/.bashrc 0.3s
=> exporting to image 12.2s
=> => exporting layers 12.2s
=> => writing image sha256:f443952733cee9b7648897f01d083f19d199b80f0d41523534f6e914df1f7c31 0.0s
=> => naming to 0.0s
[+] Building 1.5s (9/9) FINISHED docker:default
=> [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile 0.0s
=> => transferring dockerfile: 305B 0.0s
=> [internal] load .dockerignore 0.0s
=> => transferring context: 2B 0.0s
=> [internal] load metadata for 0.0s
=> [1/5] FROM 0.2s
=> [2/5] RUN rm -f /var/log/faillog /var/log/lastlog 0.2s
=> [3/5] RUN groupadd --non-unique -g 1000 sophie 0.3s
=> [4/5] RUN useradd -g 1000 -u 1000 -k /root -m sophie -d "/home/sophie" 0.4s
=> [5/5] RUN echo "sophie ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL" > "/etc/sudoers.d/hadoop-build-1000" 0.3s
=> exporting to image 0.0s
=> => exporting layers 0.0s
=> => writing image sha256:1b3d8fc2cd1437949004b61615dfa5fa68e8142c1fe641ac4b5b1dc462ad5837 0.0s
=> => naming to 0.0s
_ _ _ ______
| | | | | | | _ \
| |_| | __ _ __| | ___ ___ _ __ | | | |_____ __
| _ |/ _` |/ _` |/ _ \ / _ \| '_ \ | | | / _ \ \ / /
| | | | (_| | (_| | (_) | (_) | |_) | | |/ / __/\ V /
\_| |_/\__,_|\__,_|\___/ \___/| .__/ |___/ \___| \_(_)
| |
This is the standard Hadoop Developer build environment.
This has all the right tools installed required to build
Hadoop from source.
Successfully built Hadoop.
The built Hadoop distribution is located at hadoop/hadoop-dist/target
[INFO] Reactor Summary for Apache Hadoop Main 3.4.0-SNAPSHOT:
[INFO] Apache Hadoop Main ................................. SUCCESS [ 1.630 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop Build Tools .......................... SUCCESS [ 1.185 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop Project POM .......................... SUCCESS [ 1.208 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop Annotations .......................... SUCCESS [ 1.064 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop Assemblies ........................... SUCCESS [ 0.158 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop Project Dist POM ..................... SUCCESS [ 1.198 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop Maven Plugins ........................ SUCCESS [ 1.302 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop MiniKDC .............................. SUCCESS [ 0.461 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop Auth ................................. SUCCESS [ 2.895 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop Auth Examples ........................ SUCCESS [ 1.356 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop Common ............................... SUCCESS [ 24.297 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop NFS .................................. SUCCESS [ 2.881 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop KMS .................................. SUCCESS [ 2.636 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop Registry ............................. SUCCESS [ 2.422 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop Common Project ....................... SUCCESS [ 0.047 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop HDFS Client .......................... SUCCESS [ 13.064 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop HDFS ................................. SUCCESS [ 24.105 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop HDFS Native Client ................... SUCCESS [ 2.770 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop HttpFS ............................... SUCCESS [ 3.243 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop HDFS-NFS ............................. SUCCESS [ 2.611 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop YARN ................................. SUCCESS [ 0.046 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop YARN API ............................. SUCCESS [ 7.704 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop YARN Common .......................... SUCCESS [ 7.216 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop YARN Server .......................... SUCCESS [ 0.052 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop YARN Server Common ................... SUCCESS [ 5.823 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop YARN ApplicationHistoryService ....... SUCCESS [ 4.250 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop YARN Timeline Service ................ SUCCESS [ 2.757 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop YARN Web Proxy ....................... SUCCESS [ 2.636 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop YARN ResourceManager ................. SUCCESS [ 12.696 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop YARN NodeManager ..................... SUCCESS [ 6.946 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop YARN Server Tests .................... SUCCESS [ 3.254 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop YARN Client .......................... SUCCESS [ 4.236 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop MapReduce Client ..................... SUCCESS [ 2.387 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop MapReduce Core ....................... SUCCESS [ 4.744 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop MapReduce Common ..................... SUCCESS [ 4.133 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop MapReduce Shuffle .................... SUCCESS [ 3.464 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop MapReduce App ........................ SUCCESS [ 4.196 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop MapReduce HistoryServer .............. SUCCESS [ 4.216 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop MapReduce JobClient .................. SUCCESS [ 4.308 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop Distributed Copy ..................... SUCCESS [ 3.390 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop Mini-Cluster ......................... SUCCESS [ 3.530 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop Federation Balance ................... SUCCESS [ 3.445 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop HDFS-RBF ............................. SUCCESS [ 7.048 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop HDFS Project ......................... SUCCESS [ 0.036 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop YARN SharedCacheManager .............. SUCCESS [ 2.704 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop YARN Timeline Plugin Storage ......... SUCCESS [ 2.903 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop YARN TimelineService HBase Backend ... SUCCESS [ 0.038 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop YARN TimelineService HBase Common .... SUCCESS [ 2.845 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop YARN TimelineService HBase Client .... SUCCESS [ 4.248 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop YARN TimelineService HBase Servers ... SUCCESS [ 0.046 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop YARN TimelineService HBase Server 1.7 SUCCESS [ 4.049 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop YARN TimelineService HBase tests ..... SUCCESS [ 3.959 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop YARN Router .......................... SUCCESS [ 3.177 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop YARN TimelineService DocumentStore ... SUCCESS [ 2.621 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop YARN GlobalPolicyGenerator ........... SUCCESS [ 2.600 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop YARN Applications .................... SUCCESS [ 0.046 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop YARN DistributedShell ................ SUCCESS [ 3.213 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop YARN Unmanaged Am Launcher ........... SUCCESS [ 2.582 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop YARN Services ........................ SUCCESS [ 0.040 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop YARN Services Core ................... SUCCESS [ 4.762 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop YARN Services API .................... SUCCESS [ 3.499 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop YARN Application Catalog ............. SUCCESS [ 0.036 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop YARN Application Catalog Webapp ...... SUCCESS [ 9.272 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop YARN Application Catalog Docker Image SUCCESS [ 1.094 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop YARN Application MaWo ................ SUCCESS [ 0.036 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop YARN Application MaWo Core ........... SUCCESS [ 1.917 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop YARN Site ............................ SUCCESS [ 0.035 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop YARN Registry ........................ SUCCESS [ 1.714 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop YARN UI .............................. SUCCESS [ 0.153 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop YARN CSI ............................. SUCCESS [ 5.529 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop YARN Project ......................... SUCCESS [ 12.060 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop MapReduce HistoryServer Plugins ...... SUCCESS [ 2.696 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop MapReduce NativeTask ................. SUCCESS [ 2.944 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop MapReduce Uploader ................... SUCCESS [ 2.582 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop MapReduce Examples ................... SUCCESS [ 3.412 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop MapReduce ............................ SUCCESS [ 7.162 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop MapReduce Streaming .................. SUCCESS [ 3.555 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop Client Aggregator .................... SUCCESS [ 4.457 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop Dynamometer Workload Simulator ....... SUCCESS [ 3.214 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop Dynamometer Cluster Simulator ........ SUCCESS [ 3.459 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop Dynamometer Block Listing Generator .. SUCCESS [ 2.948 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop Dynamometer Dist ..................... SUCCESS [ 7.661 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop Dynamometer .......................... SUCCESS [ 0.038 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop Archives ............................. SUCCESS [ 2.968 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop Archive Logs ......................... SUCCESS [ 3.037 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop Rumen ................................ SUCCESS [ 3.433 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop Gridmix .............................. SUCCESS [ 3.347 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop Data Join ............................ SUCCESS [ 3.094 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop Extras ............................... SUCCESS [ 3.526 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop Pipes ................................ SUCCESS [ 0.034 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop Amazon Web Services support .......... SUCCESS [ 21.919 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop Kafka Library support ................ SUCCESS [ 3.739 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop Azure support ........................ SUCCESS [ 7.003 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop Aliyun OSS support ................... SUCCESS [ 7.695 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop Scheduler Load Simulator ............. SUCCESS [ 3.794 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop Resource Estimator Service ........... SUCCESS [ 4.022 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop Azure Data Lake support .............. SUCCESS [ 4.001 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop Image Generation Tool ................ SUCCESS [ 3.657 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop Tools Dist ........................... SUCCESS [ 25.893 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop OpenStack support .................... SUCCESS [ 0.074 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop Common Benchmark ..................... SUCCESS [ 11.680 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop Tools ................................ SUCCESS [ 0.033 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop Client API ........................... SUCCESS [03:40 min]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop Client Runtime ....................... SUCCESS [03:40 min]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop Client Packaging Invariants .......... SUCCESS [ 1.101 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop Client Test Minicluster .............. SUCCESS [06:29 min]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop Client Packaging Invariants for Test . SUCCESS [ 1.395 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop Client Packaging Integration Tests ... SUCCESS [ 1.494 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop Distribution ......................... SUCCESS [ 36.725 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop Client Modules ....................... SUCCESS [ 0.109 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop Tencent COS Support .................. SUCCESS [ 4.995 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop OBS support .......................... SUCCESS [ 10.656 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop Cloud Storage ........................ SUCCESS [ 10.430 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop Cloud Storage Project ................ SUCCESS [ 0.033 s]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 22:03 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2023-10-04T02:14:20Z
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Following the official build guidance:
Prepare build environment
git clone -depth 1
cd hadoop