Code for electron calibration in CMS
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SC Seed for trackerDriven electrons is null -> error in laser correction DB check #9

Closed shervin86 closed 10 years ago

shervin86 commented 10 years ago

Error not understood. One SC in EE with basicCluster seed in EB, basicCluster does not contain the most energetic recHit:

Begin processing the 34th record. Run 191226, Event 827672178, LumiSection 593 at 07-Feb-2014 15:22:40.119 CET [DEBUG findSCseed] seedDetIt: 872437414 CaloCluster , algoID=1000, CaloID: 0, E=8.09214, eta,phi=1.71357,-0.328134, nhits=10 ( 838966630, 1 ), ( 838966631, 1 ), ( 838967142, 1 ), ( 838967143, 1 ), ( 838967141, 1 ), ( 838966629, 1 ), ( 838966118, 1 ), ( 838966119, 1 ), ( 838966116, 1 ), ( 872437414, 1 ), CaloCluster , algoID=5, CaloID: 1, E=4.56814, eta,phi=1.35617,-0.221397, nhits=9 ( 838966630, 1 ), ( 838966631, 1 ), ( 838967142, 1 ), ( 838967143, 1 ), ( 838967141, 1 ), ( 838966629, 1 ), ( 838966118, 1 ), ( 838966119, 1 ), ( 838966116, 1 ), ----- Begin Fatal Exception 07-Feb-2014 15:22:40 CET----------------------- An exception of category 'InvalidDetId' occurred while [0] Processing run: 191226 lumi: 593 event: 827672178 [1] Running path 'NtuplePath' [2] Calling event method for module ZNtupleDumper/'zNtupleDumper' ----- End Fatal Exception -------------------------------------------------

shervin86 commented 10 years ago

Now if seed in different subdetector with respect to the electron, the seed is 0