ECF / JaxRSProviders

Remote Services distribution provider based upon JaxRS. Includes imples based upon Jersey and CXF.
Apache License 2.0
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Could we make these features available on Eclipse update site? #19

Closed modular-mind closed 4 years ago

modular-mind commented 4 years ago

These features are great and you should know they're being used extensively in some very mission-critical applications. So thank you for doing this work.

I was wondering if there are any plans to make these features available in the regular ECF update site on For some reason it's not possible to point an Eclipse target definition at the URL on GitHub (build) directory, even though it's a valid p2 repository.

Also, the clients I work with are more comfortable if they're mirroring an Eclipse p2 repo, they look at me funny if I hand them a zip archive from GitHub...


--- Patrick

scottslewis commented 4 years ago

These features are great and you should know they're being used extensively in some very >mission-critical applications. So thank you for doing this work.

Welcome. I'm happy to hear that folks are using it. Any public comments (like this) about usage, issues, feature enhancements, are very much appreciated.

I was wondering if there are any plans to make these features available in the regular ECF update >site on

Do you mean a p2 site? I assume so based upon what you say below, but want to make sure as we already support a karaf feature at that points at the karaf-features.xml in the build directory.

For some reason it's not possible to point an Eclipse target definition at the URL on GitHub (build) >directory, even though it's a valid p2 repository.

I haven't tried this myself, so you might be right...but are you using the 'raw' url in the target platform? e.g. with url of:

I did try this url in Eclipse just now and although you need to uncheck the 'Group by Category' (since there are no categories) I can then see the features to install (which means ps is able to read the content.jar). You may find that the feature meta-data is not quite right but if so please just open an issue and I'll fix it.


Also, the clients I work with are more comfortable if they're mirroring an Eclipse p2 repo, they look at me funny if I hand them a zip archive from GitHub...

I understand. Short answer: yes this distribution provider in particular could be made available via the ECF p2 repo. The two barriers to completing this are: 1) releng work (i.e. adding the build of this to the builder); 2) The eclipse ip mgmt process (as I might need to contribute it to the ECF project. I have to look into this though as now has content from github repos for other projects, so this may not be a 'big deal' in terms of IP mgmt now. 3) my time to do 1 and 2 (this isn't my full-time gig right now).

Let me know though if you really would like this to happen and I can start the work on releng. If you or your employer are able to contribute at all to any of 1,2,3 that it would be most appreciated.

Thanks Patrick.

modular-mind commented 4 years ago

Yes, I was looking for an "official" version of the providers as a p2 repository. But the raw URL works great right now (thanks for the tip).

I'm currently without a contract (thanks COVID-19...), focusing on training and research. But I'm going to be promoting these particular features as part of a push to see Eclipse UIs (RCP, RAP, Theia) as well positioned to take advantage of microservice architectures. If I find clients interested in this approach perhaps we could revisit migrating to then.

I do think it would be good to clean up the metadata. I'll close this issue and open another for that.