ECMWFCode4Earth / challenges_2021

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Challenge #11 - Jupyter widgets to help process and explore meteorological data #1

Closed jwagemann closed 3 years ago

jwagemann commented 3 years ago

Challenge 11 - Jupyter widgets to help process and explore meteorological data

Stream 1 - Software development for weather, climate and atmosphere


To bring many of Metview's existing desktop-based interactive tools into Jupyter notebooks.

Mentors and skills

Challenge description

Metview is ECMWF's software package for accessing, processing and visualising meteorological data. It has a rich set of interactive GUI tools in a Linux/macOS desktop environment, making it easy to configure things such as plotting styles, and to explore data. Inside a Jupyter notebook environment, users can use Metview's python API to script tasks, but it lacks these interactive tools. We would like to provide these tools inside a notebook environment. In particular, we suggest that Metview's icon editors and its data examiners be implemented as Jupyter widgets. Integration into Jupyterlab as extensions could be a further step to take.


jwagemann commented 3 years ago

Hi, join us for the ECMWF Summer of Weather Code Ask Me Anything session and learn all things ESoWC.

When: Wednesday, 24 March 2021 at 4 pm GMT

What: learn everything about ESoWC - how it works, the challenges this year, some tips for your proposal and listen to ESoWC experiences from previous participants

How: register here.