ECMWFCode4Earth / challenges_2021

Discover the ECMWF Summer of Weather Code 2021 challenges!
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Challenge #32 - Building interactive weather visualisations #3

Open EsperanzaCuartero opened 3 years ago

EsperanzaCuartero commented 3 years ago

Challenge 32 - Building interactive weather visualisations

Stream 3 - Visualize weather, climate and atmosphere


Python package to build animated and exciting visualisations in KML (e.g. for Google Earth), which combines visualisations from other tools (Magics, Metview, ...)

Mentors and skills

Challenge description

A lot of data sets at ECMWF, especially data from the Copernicus services, tell very striking stories about our climate, weather and pollution. While tools exist to plot maps and time series on their own, we would like to provide Python tools for users to build animations combining multiple plots into a scene through scripts. We would like to make use of the rich sets of features the KML format offers to combine visualisations and metadata. Interest candidates will have a chance to work with ECMWF staff to extend existing Python tools and learn about the visualisation of weather and climate data.


jwagemann commented 3 years ago

Hi, join us for the ECMWF Summer of Weather Code Ask Me Anything session and learn all things ESoWC.

When: Wednesday, 24 March 2021 at 4 pm GMT

What: learn everything about ESoWC - how it works, the challenges this year, some tips for your proposal and listen to ESoWC experiences from previous participants

How: register here.