ECMWFCode4Earth / vAirify

code repository for 2024 Code for Earth project #16
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Modify base time to now-24 hours and make consistent across screens #134

Closed amehta-scottlogic closed 6 days ago

amehta-scottlogic commented 1 week ago



This PR updates the range of data that we use to create the summary table.

We now use a forecast base time of now - 24hours (then closest previous)

Then we display the values in the table that are have largest difference between forecast/measurement for each pollutant.

The overall AQI differences should therefore tie in with the pollutant with largest difference

We also now display data for all cities (even if no measurement data)

github-actions[bot] commented 1 week ago

Coverage report for air-quality-ui

Category Percentage Covered / Total
🟒 Statements
94.38% (-3.88% πŸ”»)
🟒 Branches
90.91% (-6.59% πŸ”»)
🟒 Functions
90% (-3.51% πŸ”»)
🟒 Lines
93.91% (-4.17% πŸ”»)
Show new covered files 🐣 |
| File | Statements | Branches | Functions | Lines | | :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :--------- | :------- | :-------- | :---- | | 🟒 |
`...` / summary-comparison-service.ts
| 100% | 88.89% | 100% | 100% |
Show files with reduced coverage πŸ”» |
| File | Statements | Branches | Functions | Lines | | :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :----------------------------------------------------------- | :------------------------------------------------------------ | :---------------------------------------------------- | :----------------------------------------------------------- | | 🟒 |
`...` / forecast-time-service.ts
| 100% |
91.67% (-8.33% πŸ”»)
| 100% | 100% | | 🟒 |
`...` / SingleCity.tsx
| 96.88% | 90.48% | 89.47% | 96.77% | | πŸ”΄ |
`...` / GlobalSummary.tsx
56.41% (-28.59% πŸ”»)
50% (-50% πŸ”»)
30% (+5% πŸ”Ό)
56.41% (-28.59% πŸ”»)
| | 🟒 |
`...` / GlobalSummaryTable.tsx
| 100% |
85.71% (-14.29% πŸ”»)
| 100% | 100% |

Test suite run success

62 tests passing in 15 suites.

Report generated by πŸ§ͺjest coverage report action from 7041d3bd9b5c95053548a15530c5d0fa6379d87b