Asynchronous Transfer Library
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transient GitHub actions failures #143

Open gonsie opened 9 months ago

gonsie commented 9 months ago

Sometimes, Mac actions will fail with a kvtree error message along the lines of "Failed to persist hash wrote 44321 bytes != expected 44338". This seems to be a transient error and usually can be fixed by rerunning that job.

5: Test command: /Users/runner/work/AXL/AXL/build/test/ "-n" "100" "-p" "1000" "-c" "1" "-U" "pthread"
5: Working Directory: /Users/runner/work/AXL/AXL/build/test
5: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000
5: Testing pthread transfer cancel after 1 seconds...   /Users/runner/work/AXL/AXL/build/test/ line 120:  5289 Killed: 9               $TIMEOUT_CMD --signal=$sig --preserve-status $s ./axl_cp -S /var/tmp/state_file -X $xfer -r $src/* $dest
5: KVTree 1.3.0 ABORT: Mac-1678394008124.local: Failed to persist hash wrote 44321 bytes != expected 44338 @ /Users/runner/work/AXL/AXL/kvtree/src/kvtree.c:1166
5: failed copy, rc=255
5/6 Test #5: pthread_resume_test ..............***Failed    1.58 sec
