ECP-WarpX / WarpX

WarpX is an advanced electromagnetic & electrostatic Particle-In-Cell code.
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Particle Histogram 2D #2876

Open ax3l opened 2 years ago

ax3l commented 2 years ago

Need for a reduced diagnostics addition: general 2D particle histogram (think: "np.histogram2d").

RevathiJambunathan commented 2 years ago

Thank you @hklion for volunteering to take this on

ax3l commented 1 year ago

@hklion updated me that she has currently no time to work on this. We'll check for a volunteer next dev meeting.

PhilMiller commented 1 year ago

We at Modern Electron just discussed yesterday that something exactly like this would be helpful in debugging - we'd plot density as a function of (x position, velocity/momentum) to test the hypothesis that it's the slowest-moving particles getting 'stuck' on numerical boundaries