ECP-WarpX / WarpX

WarpX is an advanced electromagnetic & electrostatic Particle-In-Cell code.
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Laser injected at an angle having non-physical effects #5092

Open ycaophysics opened 1 month ago

ycaophysics commented 1 month ago

Hi. In my 2D warpx simulation, there exist a non-physical tail-like effect for the laser injected at an angle. I have tried to increase the resolution of the longitudinal grid while in transverse is 1um resolution. The laser at the bottom initially was fine when started, but evolves to have a tail as shown below. It's already taking a long time to compute so I'm not sure if I want to increase transverse resolution as well.

Screenshot2024-07-26 102230

Thank you very much for your time.

RemiLehe commented 1 month ago

Thanks for reporting this issue. Would you be able to post the corresponding input script, for us to reproduce this? Also: have you tried to setup the laser antenna in such a way that it has an angle (and the laser is emitted normal to the laser antenna plane)

ycaophysics commented 1 month ago

Here are the two input scripts. The warpx script is created by the python script with slight modifications. Additionally, how would I conduct a simulation that's less computationally intensive? (In this case, a huge part of the simulation box is vacuum. But in order to keep the second laser to have a high resolution, all the vacuum space are wasted. I tried using moving windows but the code doesn't allow me to (something wrong with do_continuous_injection). I tried setting up the laser direction both normal and parallel to the laser antenna (one of which doesn't work).

Thank you warpx_BNL_highres_py.txt inputs_BNL_stable_highres.txt