ECP-WarpX / WarpX

WarpX is an advanced electromagnetic & electrostatic Particle-In-Cell code.
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Installation on MARCONI (Cineca) #5211

Open JohanKoelsenDeWit opened 1 week ago

JohanKoelsenDeWit commented 1 week ago


I have HPC time on the MARCONI HPC, and I want to compile WarpX on the HPC. Will you help me make a guide for an optimal installation routine?

Many thanks, Johan

ax3l commented 1 week ago

Yes, we glad to help you add a documentation :)

We do not have access to the machine ourselves, but we can coordinate here how to create a pull request that adds a guide how to use WarpX on it. Our goal would be to add a new entry here, does that sound good? :)

We will do this in three steps:

  1. Check which modules are on the system and pick working ones. Adding them in a warpx.profile as we do for other systems.
  2. Add a script to install missing dependencies as we do on other systems (and/or opening tickets with MARCONI HPC support to add modules for them).
  3. Add an entry in the documentation, e.g., by copying a similar HPC cluster and updating the information. Here are examples how we added new (and updated) HPC systems in the past.

@JohanKoelsenDeWit, can you start by showing either a documentation page or the output of module av on the system? Do you already have a working set of modules for other C++ MPI codes? Is there a recommended set of modules by the HPC sys documentation?

We will need this:

JohanKoelsenDeWit commented 1 week ago

Yes, that sounds excellent, thank you. :) I have attached a txt file containing the module av from the system, I hope this is sufficient! module_av_list.txt

To my knowledge there is no specific set of modules recommended in the documentation: