ECP-WarpX / WarpX

WarpX is an advanced electromagnetic & electrostatic Particle-In-Cell code.
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MPI Domain Decomposition Artifacts in Charging Simulation #5415

Closed ashwynsam closed 2 hours ago

ashwynsam commented 1 week ago

Issue: MPI Domain Decomposition Artifacts in Spacecraft Charging Simulation


I'm extending the spacecraft charging example (Examples/Physics_applications/spacecraft_charging) to simulate plasma flow over an embedded boundary to determine steady-state charging potentials. While the simulation runs successfully in serial mode, running with MPI produces visible artifacts at subdomain boundaries, leading to incorrect results.

Reproducible Setup

Observed Behavior

Visual Evidence

The attached image shows the potential field at t=2.12e-06s (iteration 100):

System Information

Input Script

The full script can be found below. The key components are:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

from pywarpx import picmi
from pywarpx.fields import ExWrapper, EyWrapper, EzWrapper, PhiFPWrapper, RhoFPWrapper
from pywarpx.callbacks import installafterInitEsolve, installafterEsolve
from pywarpx.particle_containers import ParticleBoundaryBufferWrapper
import scipy.constants as scc
import numpy as np
from mpi4py import MPI as mpi

# Utilities
class SpaceChargeFieldCorrector(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self.saved_first_iteration_fields = False
        self.spacecraft_potential = 1. # Initial voltage: 1V
        self.spacecraft_capacitance = None

    def correct_space_charge_fields(self, q=None):
        Function that will be called at each iteration,
        after each electrostatic solve in WarpX
        assert self.saved_first_iteration_fields

        # Compute the charge that WarpX thinks there is on the spacecraft
        # from phi and rho after the Poisson solver
        q_v = compute_virtual_charge_on_spacecraft()
        if q is None:
            q = compute_actual_charge_on_spacecraft()

        # Correct fields so as to recover the actual charge
        Ex = ExWrapper(include_ghosts=True)
        Ex[...] += (q - q_v)*self.normalized_Ex[...]
        Ey = EyWrapper(include_ghosts=True)
        Ey[...] += (q - q_v)*self.normalized_Ey[...]
        Ez = EzWrapper(include_ghosts=True)
        Ez[...] += (q - q_v)*self.normalized_Ez[...]
        phi = PhiFPWrapper(include_ghosts=True)
        phi[...] += (q - q_v)*self.normalized_phi[...]
        # Update the potential at the boundary of the spacecraft
        self.spacecraft_potential += (q - q_v)*self.spacecraft_capacitance
        sim.extension.warpx.set_potential_on_eb( "%f" %self.spacecraft_potential )
        print('Setting potential to %f' %self.spacecraft_potential)

        # Confirm that the charge on the spacecraft is now correct

    def save_normalized_vacuum_Efields(self):
        # Compute the charge that WarpX thinks there is on the spacecraft
        # from phi and rho after the Poisson solver
        q_v = compute_virtual_charge_on_spacecraft()
        self.spacecraft_capacitance = 1./q_v # the potential was set to 1V

        # Check that this iteration corresponded to a vacuum solve
        rho = RhoFPWrapper(include_ghosts=False)
        # In principle, we should check that `rho` is exactly 0
        # However, due to machine precision errors when adding the charge
        # of ions and electrons, this can be slightly different than 0
        assert np.all( abs(rho[...]) < 1.e-12 )

        # Record fields
        Ex = ExWrapper(include_ghosts=True)
        self.normalized_Ex = Ex[...].copy()/q_v
        Ey = EyWrapper(include_ghosts=True)
        self.normalized_Ey = Ey[...].copy()/q_v
        Ez = EzWrapper(include_ghosts=True)
        self.normalized_Ez = Ez[...].copy()/q_v
        phi = PhiFPWrapper(include_ghosts=True)
        self.normalized_phi = phi[...].copy()/q_v

        self.saved_first_iteration_fields = True

def compute_virtual_charge_on_spacecraft():
    Given that we asked WarpX to solve the Poisson
    equation with phi=1 on the spacecraft and phi=0
    on the boundary of the domain, compute the charge
    that WarpX thinks there should be on the spacecraft.
    # Get global array for the whole domain (across MPI ranks)
    phi = PhiFPWrapper(include_ghosts=False)[:,:,:].copy()
    rho = RhoFPWrapper(include_ghosts=False)[:,:,:].copy()

    # Check that this codes correspond to the global size of the box
    assert phi.shape == (nx+1, ny+1, nz+1)
    assert rho.shape == (nx+1, ny+1, nz+1)

    dx, dy, dz = sim.extension.warpx.Geom(lev=0).data().CellSize()

    # Compute integral of grad phi over surfaces of the domain
    grad_phi_integral = \
        1./dx*(phi[-1,:,:]-phi[-2,:,:]).sum() * dy*dz \
      + 1./dx*(phi[0,:,:]-phi[1,:,:]).sum() * dy*dz \
      + 1./dy*(phi[:,-1,:]-phi[:,-2,:]).sum() * dx*dy \
      + 1./dy*(phi[:,0,:]-phi[:,1,:]).sum() * dx*dy \
      + 1./dz*(phi[:,:,-1]-phi[:,:,-2]).sum() * dy*dz \
      + 1./dz*(phi[:,:,0]-phi[:,:,1]).sum() * dy*dz

    # Compute integral of rho over volume of the domain
    # (i.e. total charge of the plasma particles)
    rho_integral = rho[1:-2, 1:-2, 1:-2].sum() * dx*dy*dz

    # Compute charge of the spacecraft, based on Gauss theorem
    q_spacecraft = - rho_integral - scc.epsilon_0 * grad_phi_integral
    print('Virtual charge on the spacecraft: %e' %q_spacecraft)
    return float(q_spacecraft)  # Convert from `nump`/`cupy` array to float

def compute_actual_charge_on_spacecraft():
    Compute the actual charge on the spacecraft,
    by counting how many electrons and protons
    where collected by the WarpX embedded boundary (EB)
    charge= {'electrons': -scc.e,
             'electrons2': -scc.e,
             'electrons3': -scc.e,
             'protons': scc.e,
             'protons2': scc.e}
    q_spacecraft = 0

    particle_buffer = ParticleBoundaryBufferWrapper()

    for species in charge.keys():
        weights = particle_buffer.get_particle_boundary_buffer(species, 'eb', 'w', 0)
        sum_weights_over_tiles = sum([w.sum() for w in weights])
        # Reduce across all MPI ranks
        ntot = mpi.COMM_WORLD.allreduce(sum_weights_over_tiles, op=mpi.SUM)
        print('Total number of %s collected on spacecraft: %e'%(species, ntot))
        q_spacecraft += ntot * charge[species]
    print('Actual charge on the spacecraft: %e' %q_spacecraft)
    return float(q_spacecraft)  # Convert from `nump`/`cupy` array to float

# numerics parameters

dt = 2.11865e-8

# --- Nb time steps

max_steps = 100
diagnostic_interval = 10

# --- grid

nx = 128
ny = 128
nz = 128

xmin = -5.0
xmax = 5.0
ymin = -5.0
ymax = 5.0
zmin = -5.0
zmax = 5.0

number_per_cell = 1
ppc = [1, 1, 1]

# physics components

n = 7.0e9 #plasma density #particles/m^3
Te = 85 #Electron temp in eV
Ti = 82 #Ion temp in eV
qe = picmi.constants.q_e #elementary charge
m_e = picmi.constants.m_e #electron mass
m_i = 1836.0 * m_e #mass of ion
v_eth = (qe * Te / m_e) ** 0.5
v_pth = (qe * Ti / m_i) ** 0.5
v_mean = 300.e3

e_dist = picmi.UniformFluxDistribution(
    flux=n*v_eth/(2*np.pi)**.5, # Flux for Gaussian with negligible mean velocity
    flux_direction=+1, flux_normal_axis='x',
    directed_velocity= [v_mean, 0, 0],
    rms_velocity=[v_eth, v_eth, v_eth],
    gaussian_flux_momentum_distribution=True )
electrons = picmi.Species(particle_type='electron', name='electrons',

e_dist3 = picmi.UniformFluxDistribution(
    flux=n*v_eth/(2*np.pi)**.5, # Flux for Gaussian with negligible mean velocity
    flux_direction=-1, flux_normal_axis='x',
    directed_velocity= [v_mean, 0, 0],
    rms_velocity=[v_eth, v_eth, v_eth],
    gaussian_flux_momentum_distribution=True )
electrons3 = picmi.Species(particle_type='electron', name='electrons3',

p_dist = picmi.UniformFluxDistribution(
    flux=n*v_mean, # Flux for Gaussian with negligible temperature
    flux_direction=+1, flux_normal_axis='x',
    directed_velocity=[v_mean, 0, 0],
    rms_velocity=[v_pth, v_pth, v_pth],
    gaussian_flux_momentum_distribution=True )
protons = picmi.Species(particle_type='proton', name='protons',

e_dist2 = picmi.UniformDistribution(density = n, rms_velocity=[v_eth, v_eth, v_eth], directed_velocity = [v_mean, 0, 0])
electrons2 = picmi.Species(particle_type='electron', name='electrons2',
             initial_distribution=e_dist2, warpx_save_particles_at_eb=1)

p_dist2 = picmi.UniformDistribution(density = n, rms_velocity=[v_pth, v_pth, v_pth], directed_velocity = [v_mean, 0, 0])
protons2 = picmi.Species(particle_type='proton', name='protons2',
           initial_distribution=p_dist2, warpx_save_particles_at_eb=1)

# numerics components

grid = picmi.Cartesian3DGrid(
    number_of_cells = [nx, ny, nz],
    lower_bound = [xmin, ymin, zmin],
    upper_bound = [xmax, ymax, zmax],
    lower_boundary_conditions = ['dirichlet', 'dirichlet', 'dirichlet'],
    upper_boundary_conditions =  ['dirichlet', 'dirichlet', 'dirichlet'],
    lower_boundary_conditions_particles = ['absorbing', 'reflecting', 'reflecting'],
    upper_boundary_conditions_particles =  ['absorbing', 'reflecting', 'reflecting'],
    warpx_max_grid_size = 256

solver = picmi.ElectrostaticSolver(
    grid=grid, method='Multigrid',

embedded_boundary = picmi.EmbeddedBoundary(
    implicit_function= "-0.5 + (x >= -2.0) * (x <= -1.0) * (y >= -0.5) * (y <= 0.5) * (z >= -0.5) * (z <= 0.5)",
    potential=1., # arbitrary value ; this will be corrected by a callback function

# diagnostics

field_diag = picmi.FieldDiagnostic(
    name = 'diag1',
    grid = grid,
    period = diagnostic_interval,
    data_list = ['Ex', 'Ey', 'Ez', 'phi', 'rho',
                 'rho_electrons', 'rho_electrons2', 'rho_electrons3',
                 'rho_protons', 'rho_protons2'],
    warpx_format = 'openpmd'

part_diag = picmi.ParticleDiagnostic(name = 'diag1',
    period = diagnostic_interval,
    species = [electrons, electrons2, electrons3,
               protons, protons2],
    warpx_format = 'openpmd'

# simulation setup

sim = picmi.Simulation(
    solver = solver,
    time_step_size = dt,
    max_steps = max_steps,

                layout = picmi.PseudoRandomLayout(n_macroparticles_per_cell=number_per_cell, grid=grid))

                layout = picmi.PseudoRandomLayout(n_macroparticles_per_cell=number_per_cell, grid=grid))

                layout = picmi.PseudoRandomLayout(n_macroparticles_per_cell=number_per_cell, grid=grid))

                layout = picmi.GriddedLayout(n_macroparticle_per_cell=ppc, grid=grid))

                layout = picmi.GriddedLayout(n_macroparticle_per_cell=ppc, grid=grid))


# simulation run

spc = SpaceChargeFieldCorrector()
installafterInitEsolve( spc.save_normalized_vacuum_Efields )
installafterEsolve( spc.correct_space_charge_fields )


Sbatch Script

#!/bin/bash -l

#SBATCH -t 00:05:00
#    note: <proj> must end on _g
#SBATCH -A m4667_g
#SBATCH -q debug
# A100 40GB (most nodes)
#SBATCH -C gpu
# A100 80GB (256 nodes)
#S BATCH -C gpu&hbm80g
#SBATCH --exclusive
# ideally single:1, but NERSC cgroups issue
#SBATCH --gpu-bind=none
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=4
#SBATCH --gpus-per-node=4
#SBATCH -o WarpX.o%j
#SBATCH -e WarpX.e%j

# pin to closest NIC to GPU

# threads for OpenMP and threaded compressors per MPI rank
#   note: 16 avoids hyperthreading (32 virtual cores, 16 physical)

# GPU-aware MPI optimizations
# GPU_AWARE_MPI="warpx_amrex_use_gpu_aware_mpi=1"

# CUDA visible devices are ordered inverse to local task IDs
#   Reference: nvidia-smi topo -m
srun --cpu-bind=cores bash -c "
    python3 ${GPU_AWARE_MPI}" \
  > output.txt
RemiLehe commented 2 days ago

Thanks for reporting this issue. I was able to reproduce it.

A few remarks:

Screenshot 2024-10-29 at 6 59 27 AM
RemiLehe commented 2 days ago

It seems that setting include_ghosts=False everywhere in the script fixes the issue. @ashwynsam Could you confirm?