ECP-copa / Cabana

Performance-portable library for particle-based simulations
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wiki updates #12

Closed guangyechen closed 5 years ago

guangyechen commented 5 years ago

The docs dir was Stuart's original attempt to generate something that gitlab would render. The GitHub wiki is intended to replace the docs folder at the end of the day - one of the things we should be able to remove for the release!

I have made an attempt to migrate the doc dir to the wiki, and added a preliminary benchmarks page.

rfbird commented 5 years ago

I was going to go over the build instructions and stream line them some, should I do that inside the wiki?

rfbird commented 5 years ago

Also maybe making a PR which deletes the docs dir is a good idea one all the content is on the wiki?

guangyechen commented 5 years ago

Yes. Doing it inside the wiki would be better. You can pull just the wiki itself and work on that, or edit it online.

rfbird commented 5 years ago

OK i'll try do that today/soon

sslattery commented 5 years ago

OK I next I think we need a wiki page of each of the concepts with details on the API for each of the following in the 0.1 release:

1) Tuple 2) SoA 3) AoSoA 4) Slice 5) DeepCopy 6) Sort 7) LinkedCellList 8) NeighborList/VerletList

I think they make the most sense in that order.

guangyechen commented 5 years ago

From user perspective, should just AOSOA that is needed?

sslattery commented 5 years ago

I think it is of value to describe all of these - I could see circumstances where a user would want to access the API for all 8 things I have listed.

sslattery commented 5 years ago

To clarify even further I would like to have a programming guide similar to what Kokkos has provided: For example, something like the page on the view class for each thing I have listed above would be ideal:

guangyechen commented 5 years ago

Absolutely. They seem to have done a good job and we should at least be at the similar levels.

guangyechen commented 5 years ago

Also, it'd be nice that each item has a link to a working example.

rfbird commented 5 years ago

OK I next I think we need a wiki page of each of the concepts with details on the API for each of the following in the 0.1 release:

  1. Tuple
  2. SoA
  3. AoSoA
  4. Slice
  5. DeepCopy
  6. Sort
  7. LinkedCellList
  8. NeighborList/VerletList

I think they make the most sense in that order.

I started adding some minimal pages to address these topics:

My plan is to draft the outline and then we can each go in and add more details

rfbird commented 5 years ago

Are we happy with this? Thanks for updating the pages/example links Stu

sslattery commented 5 years ago

I'm OK with this for now. I could easily spend another hour tweaking each page.