ECP-copa / Cabana

Performance-portable library for particle-based simulations
193 stars 51 forks source link

identifier "is_aosoa" is undefined #256

Closed pvelesko closed 3 years ago

pvelesko commented 3 years ago

No idea why this happens.. Looking at the file, I see the include but somehow it fails with the following error:

gmake[1]: Leaving directory/home/pvelesko/XGC-Devel/XGC_core' /usr/bin/gmake -C ./XGC_core/cpp objects_cpp gmake[1]: Entering directory /home/pvelesko/XGC-Devel/XGC_core/cpp' mpiicpc -Wall -qopenmp -std=c++14 -lstdc++ -DPSPLINE -DUSE_BICUB_MOD -DUSE_ONE_D_I_CUB_MOD -DV_PERP -DSOLVERLU -DUSE_INQUIRE_DIRECTORY -DITER_GRID -DCAM_TIMERS -DXGC1 -DUSE_CAB -DUSE_CAB_CPP -DUSE_CAB_OMP=1 -DUSE_CAB_GPU=0 -DUSE_ARRAY_REPLICATION -DSIMD_SIZE=32 -DVEC_LEN=32 -I/home/pvelesko/local/kokkos_mainline/build_icpx/install/include -I/home/pvelesko/local/cabana/build_kokkos_icpx/install/include -I/home/pvelesko -I/home/pvelesko/local/intel/x86/include -I/home/pvelesko/local/kokkos_mainline/build_icpx/install/include -I/home/pvelesko/local/cabana/build_kokkos_icpx/install/include -I/home/pvelesko /home/pvelesko/XGC-Devel/xgc_build -c -o /home/pvelesko/XGC-Devel/xgc_build/cpp_scatter.o cpp_scatter.cpp In file included from cpp_species.hpp(4), from cpp_transpose_send.hpp(4), from cpp_scatter.cpp(5): /home/pvelesko/local/cabana/build_kokkos_icpx/install/include/Cabana_DeepCopy.hpp(156): error: identifier "is_aosoa" is undefined typename std::enable_if<( is_aosoa<DstAoSoA>::value &&

sslattery commented 3 years ago

Did you implement your own AoSoA structure in this case?

pvelesko commented 3 years ago

No, I just git pull and compile

On Thu, Jun 11, 2020, 12:16 AM Stuart Slattery wrote:

Did you implement your own AoSoA structure in this case?

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sslattery commented 3 years ago

Weird - can I see how you built Cabana? Also did all of the Cabana unit tests build/pass?

pvelesko commented 3 years ago
module load spack
module load cmake/3.17.0-gcc-9.3.0-5dgh2gv
module load kokkos/icpx
#source /soft/compilers/intel-2019/parallel_studio_xe_2019/ intel64
module load omp
echo "Using Kokkos: ${KOKKOS_HOME}"
export BUILD=build_kokkos_icpx
export CABANA_HOME=`pwd`
export CABANA_BUILD=`pwd`/${BUILD}
rm -f CMakeCache.txt
rm -rf ${CABANA_BUILD}
mkdir -p ${CABANA_BUILD}/install

cmake ${CABANA_HOME} \

make -j 20
make install

Unit tests:

[pvelesko@skylake06 build_kokkos_icpx]$ ctest
Test project /home/pvelesko/local/cabana/build_kokkos_icpx
      Start  1: Cabana_Version_test
 1/28 Test  #1: Cabana_Version_test ...................   Passed    0.04 sec
      Start  2: Cabana_Index_test
 2/28 Test  #2: Cabana_Index_test .....................   Passed    0.08 sec
      Start  3: Cabana_CartesianGrid_test
 3/28 Test  #3: Cabana_CartesianGrid_test .............   Passed    0.06 sec
      Start  4: Cabana_SoA_test
 4/28 Test  #4: Cabana_SoA_test .......................   Passed    0.06 sec
      Start  5: Cabana_AoSoA_test_SERIAL
 5/28 Test  #5: Cabana_AoSoA_test_SERIAL ..............   Passed    0.10 sec
      Start  6: Cabana_Slice_test_SERIAL
 6/28 Test  #6: Cabana_Slice_test_SERIAL ..............   Passed    0.07 sec
      Start  7: Cabana_DeepCopy_test_SERIAL
 7/28 Test  #7: Cabana_DeepCopy_test_SERIAL ...........   Passed    0.08 sec
      Start  8: Cabana_Tuple_test_SERIAL
 8/28 Test  #8: Cabana_Tuple_test_SERIAL ..............   Passed    0.04 sec
      Start  9: Cabana_Sort_test_SERIAL
 9/28 Test  #9: Cabana_Sort_test_SERIAL ...............   Passed    0.09 sec
      Start 10: Cabana_LinkedCellList_test_SERIAL
10/28 Test #10: Cabana_LinkedCellList_test_SERIAL .....   Passed    0.06 sec
      Start 11: Cabana_NeighborList_test_SERIAL
11/28 Test #11: Cabana_NeighborList_test_SERIAL .......   Passed    0.56 sec
      Start 12: Cabana_Parallel_test_SERIAL
12/28 Test #12: Cabana_Parallel_test_SERIAL ...........   Passed    0.07 sec
      Start 13: Cabana_AoSoA_test_OPENMP_1
13/28 Test #13: Cabana_AoSoA_test_OPENMP_1 ............   Passed    0.09 sec
      Start 14: Cabana_AoSoA_test_OPENMP_2
14/28 Test #14: Cabana_AoSoA_test_OPENMP_2 ............   Passed    0.03 sec
      Start 15: Cabana_Slice_test_OPENMP_1
15/28 Test #15: Cabana_Slice_test_OPENMP_1 ............   Passed    0.09 sec
      Start 16: Cabana_Slice_test_OPENMP_2
16/28 Test #16: Cabana_Slice_test_OPENMP_2 ............   Passed    0.03 sec
      Start 17: Cabana_DeepCopy_test_OPENMP_1
17/28 Test #17: Cabana_DeepCopy_test_OPENMP_1 .........   Passed    0.08 sec
      Start 18: Cabana_DeepCopy_test_OPENMP_2
18/28 Test #18: Cabana_DeepCopy_test_OPENMP_2 .........   Passed    0.03 sec
      Start 19: Cabana_Tuple_test_OPENMP_1
19/28 Test #19: Cabana_Tuple_test_OPENMP_1 ............   Passed    0.03 sec
      Start 20: Cabana_Tuple_test_OPENMP_2
20/28 Test #20: Cabana_Tuple_test_OPENMP_2 ............   Passed    0.05 sec
      Start 21: Cabana_Sort_test_OPENMP_1
21/28 Test #21: Cabana_Sort_test_OPENMP_1 .............   Passed    0.11 sec
      Start 22: Cabana_Sort_test_OPENMP_2
22/28 Test #22: Cabana_Sort_test_OPENMP_2 .............   Passed    0.10 sec
      Start 23: Cabana_LinkedCellList_test_OPENMP_1
23/28 Test #23: Cabana_LinkedCellList_test_OPENMP_1 ...   Passed    0.10 sec
      Start 24: Cabana_LinkedCellList_test_OPENMP_2
24/28 Test #24: Cabana_LinkedCellList_test_OPENMP_2 ...   Passed    0.02 sec
      Start 25: Cabana_NeighborList_test_OPENMP_1
25/28 Test #25: Cabana_NeighborList_test_OPENMP_1 .....   Passed    0.45 sec
      Start 26: Cabana_NeighborList_test_OPENMP_2
26/28 Test #26: Cabana_NeighborList_test_OPENMP_2 .....   Passed    0.26 sec
      Start 27: Cabana_Parallel_test_OPENMP_1
27/28 Test #27: Cabana_Parallel_test_OPENMP_1 .........   Passed    0.65 sec
      Start 28: Cabana_Parallel_test_OPENMP_2
28/28 Test #28: Cabana_Parallel_test_OPENMP_2 .........   Passed    0.07 sec

100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 28

Total Test time (real) =   3.56 sec
junghans commented 3 years ago

@pvelesko couldn't you build Cabana with Spack as well?

pvelesko commented 3 years ago

@junghans I have never used spack, I just found some modules named spack which gave me access to cmake. Either way, that is not a long-term solution. I'd like to figure out what is going on here.

sslattery commented 3 years ago

@pvelesko Do you include Cabana_Core.hpp or just individual header files?

pvelesko commented 3 years ago
cpp/cpp_species.hpp:#include <Cabana_AoSoA.hpp>

cpp/cpp_species.hpp:#include <Cabana_DeepCopy.hpp>
sslattery commented 3 years ago

Those includes should be fine. Is it possible that an AoSoA isn't getting passed into the deep_copy function you are calling? Does the compiler tell you what the type of DstAoSoA is in the error output? Usually on a bad template deduction it will tell you what type you passed in.

sslattery commented 3 years ago

Also @pvelesko can you share the code that you are building?

rfbird commented 3 years ago

Everything is building fine with icpc for me, I guess this is an icpx specific issue? We'll probably need a reproducer..

pvelesko commented 3 years ago

I filed another ticket for icpc. It doesn't build at all with icpc. And I did enable c14 in kokkos.

On Thu, Jun 11, 2020, 11:04 PM Robert Bird wrote:

Everything building fine with icpc, I guess this is an icpx specific issue? We'll probably need a reproducer..

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pvelesko commented 3 years ago

Turns out there was an older version of Cabana in a different place on my system that was getting picked up when compiling the application but not Cabana itself. Sorry!