ECP-copa / Cabana

Performance-portable library for particle-based simulations
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Performance regression benchmarks #4

Closed sslattery closed 4 years ago

sslattery commented 5 years ago

Capturing outcome of discussion:

guangyechen commented 5 years ago

@sslattery @rfbird Implied I guess also includes testing the basic AOSOA/SOA/AOS with different kernels.

sslattery commented 5 years ago

@guangyechen @rfbird can you link this issue tor relevant PRs you are working on?

sslattery commented 4 years ago

@rfbird Lets clean this one up.

We have both a VPIC-like proxy (CabanaPIC) and an MPM proxy (ExaMPM) in the project space. @streeve has infrastructure to look at performance as a function of multiple particle property lists. The ExaMPM work has a recent publication as well that shows kernel fusion improving results.

Only thing not covered in that list is a bandwidth-bound kernel. Do we have a demo for that? Also can we count these other cases as sufficient to tick the boxes here?

streeve commented 4 years ago

To this end, I recently added a wiki page pointing for the proxy apps - maybe we could add a bit more there about features of note like these.

Is it enough to align the wiki benchmarks and the performance tests?

rfbird commented 4 years ago

I agree this needs to be tidied up/put to bed. Which bits do we still consider a priority?

sslattery commented 4 years ago

To this end, I recently added a wiki page pointing for the proxy apps - maybe we could add a bit more there about features of note like these.

Is it enough to align the wiki benchmarks and the performance tests?

Nice! Yeah I think we need to just align those in the wiki and we are fine.

@rfbird I think the only thing we are missing is bandwidth. I think we have that stream test but does that make sense in the context of what we are trying to achieve?

sslattery commented 4 years ago

Actually looks like bandwidth is covered here:

So I'll say we are good on this unless there are any objections

rfbird commented 4 years ago

Yea, I think we have everything we need for now. I'm very happy to add anything we need, but we can deal with that as it comes up?

I might look at adding a gather benchmark as that's where I think our performance falls down

sslattery commented 4 years ago

sounds good - lets add benchmarks as we make them