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Consider swapping to "new" Galnet feeds #2415

Open Tkael opened 1 year ago

Tkael commented 1 year ago

What happens now

We're using older links for the Galnet monitor (https://community.elitedangerous.com/galnet-rss I think)

What I'd like to happen

Be prepared to swap to newer feeds if the old feeds are no longer available.

How it can happen


EDDI Version


Tkael commented 1 year ago

The old site and old links are being discontinued. https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/retiring-community-elitedangerous-com.610578/

Tkael commented 1 year ago

There is also a json api version, e.g. https://cms.zaonce.net/en-GB/jsonapi/node/galnet_article?=&sort[sort-publish][path]=published_at&sort[sort-publish][direction]=DESC&page[offset]=0&page[limit]=12


Tkael commented 1 year ago

Some languages have never worked well with the old site and links, e.g. Spanish. Ref. #2480.