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New Nanite Torpedo #2599

Closed Darkcyde13 closed 4 months ago

Darkcyde13 commented 4 months ago

Not really a bug, and I'm sure you're probably already aware, but the new Nanite Torpedo Pylon is not recognised by EDDI.

Journal entry:

{ "timestamp":"2024-03-01T23:29:54Z", "event":"FetchRemoteModule", "StorageSlot":145, "StoredItem":"$hpt_atventdisruptorpylon_fixed_medium_name;", "StoredItem_Localised":"Nanite Torpedo Pylon", "ServerId":129030049, "TransferCost":6975, "TransferTime":1696, "Ship":"krait_mkii", "ShipID":22 }

Results in:

You have transferred a for a cost of nearly 7 thousand credits. Expected arrival in: 28 minutes.

Here are entries for storing an retrieving:

{ "timestamp":"2024-03-02T22:04:15Z", "event":"ModuleStore", "MarketID":3705241088, "Slot":"MediumHardpoint2", "StoredItem":"$hpt_atventdisruptorpylon_fixed_medium_name;", "StoredItem_Localised":"Nanite Torpedo Pylon", "Ship":"krait_mkii", "ShipID":22, "Hot":false }

{ "timestamp":"2024-03-03T01:20:37Z", "event":"ModuleRetrieve", "MarketID":3705241088, "Slot":"MediumHardpoint2", "RetrievedItem":"$hpt_atventdisruptorpylon_fixed_medium_name;", "RetrievedItem_Localised":"Nanite Torpedo Pylon", "Ship":"krait_mkii", "ShipID":55, "Hot":false }

I was a bit busy yesterday trying to sort out a new AX ship, but I also seem to remember that EDDI did't say anything at all for the above, or it may have been when I bought them, I honestly can't remember. I'll see about checking those out again tomorrow if I get the chance, just to confirm or not.