Companion application for Elite Dangerous
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There is a problem with the script "Body volcanism report" at line 37. expected expression, found #2618

Closed johnny2trayz closed 1 month ago

johnny2trayz commented 1 month ago

No clue why she's saying that when I'm scanning planets. speechresponder.txt

johnny2trayz commented 1 month ago

Also just got this:

There is a problem with the script "Entered normal space" at line 34. expected end of file, found closing curly bracket

Darkcyde13 commented 1 month ago

Is this in the new 4.0.4-b1 beta? If so...

Looking at that error, I think it's probably some code in your script that uses an escape sequence. I'm guessing there is \\ somewhere to escape the character that follows, usually a " or ' quote mark that's used inside another " or ' pair for a string. This is what's happening in the new Destination arrived script too.

If this is the case, you will need to remove one \ and probably update the type of quote mark used. So for example, if you have this: "Some text here '{OneOf(\\'more text\\', \\'other text\\')}' last text" You will need to change it to this: "Some text here '{OneOf(\"more text\", \"other text\")}' last text"

However, if you have something like this: "You {OneOf('have no', 'don\\'t have any')} mission route" change it to: 'You {OneOf("have no", "don\'t have any")} mission route'

The double slash \\ was working in version 4.0.3, but apparently it should not have been, and it's been fixed for 4.0.4-b1. And, as far as I can tell, one type of quote mark must be followed by the other type for it to work now, as demonstrated in the above examples. Also see here: #2614

The Entered normal space error has been reported on the forums already, but thanks for reporting it here too. 🙂

johnny2trayz commented 1 month ago

I don't remember really modifying anything in EDDI other than setting an IVONA voice. Is there a way to reset everything? For now I just made a copy of the main eddi and disabled those triggers.

Tkael commented 1 month ago

Thank you @johnny2trayz , this should be fixed in the next release.