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Thargoid Spire Site not reported when arriving at one. #2623

Closed Darkcyde13 closed 1 month ago

Darkcyde13 commented 1 month ago

What's Wrong (please be as specific as possible)


Thargoid Spire Sites to be reported as arrived at when dropping at one.


The spire site is not reported.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Go to a Thargoid Spire Site and drop out of supercruise.
  2. Observe that nothing is reported by 'Destination arrived' or 'Entered normal space'.


My Investigation

Investigation Notes

I was just testing some code to see if dropping at a spire site would be recognised, but I've found it doesn't seem to be. Nothing is reported by Destination arrived or Entered normal space.

I checked 'status.destination_name' and it is $Settlement_Unflattened_TGMegaBarnacle:#index=1;.

The Status.json is:

{ "timestamp":"2024-06-16T22:55:05Z", "event":"Status", "Flags":421527560, "Flags2":0, "Pips":[2,8,2], "FireGroup":1, "GuiFocus":0, "Fuel":{ "FuelMain":31.370001, "FuelReservoir":0.044921 }, "Cargo":0.000000, "LegalState":"Clean", "Latitude":57.110001, "Longitude":147.075668, "Heading":208, "Altitude":4422, "BodyName":"Cephei Sector XO-A b3 2", "PlanetRadius":5273738.500000, "Balance":9691558385, "Destination":{ "System":7266682217857, "Body":2, "Name":"$Settlement_Unflattened_TGMegaBarnacle:#index=1;", "Name_Localised":"Thargoid Spire Site" } }

This is the section of the Journal around it:

{ "timestamp":"2024-06-16T22:42:30Z", "event":"ApproachBody", "StarSystem":"Cephei Sector XO-A b3", "SystemAddress":7266682217857, "Body":"Cephei Sector XO-A b3 2", "BodyID":2 }
{ "timestamp":"2024-06-16T22:43:23Z", "event":"ApproachSettlement", "Name":"$Settlement_Unflattened_TGMegaBarnacle:#index=1;", "Name_Localised":"Thargoid Spire Site", "SystemAddress":7266682217857, "BodyID":2, "BodyName":"Cephei Sector XO-A b3 2", "Latitude":56.998302, "Longitude":146.964508 }
{ "timestamp":"2024-06-16T22:43:26Z", "event":"SupercruiseExit", "Taxi":false, "Multicrew":false, "StarSystem":"Cephei Sector XO-A b3", "SystemAddress":7266682217857, "Body":"Cephei Sector XO-A b3 2", "BodyID":2, "BodyType":"Planet" }

As a work around for now, I've added a basic section to the 'Settlement approached' script. I thought that was the best place as the Journal entry is for that event: if find(status.destination_name, "$Settlement_Unflattened_TGMegaBarnacle") > -1:



Player journals

(As above)

Tkael commented 1 month ago

Yes, I think we can expand the Destination arrived event to handle cases where we're approaching a destination settlement / Thargoid spire site.