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The new Cargo transfer function is triggered even when a repair limpet is launched #2626

Closed yianniv closed 1 month ago

yianniv commented 1 month ago


I was docked on my FC and testing the new Cargo Transfer function, by transferring one tonne of Energy Grid Assembly from my FC to my ship and back. I normally got the transfer message "You have transferred 1 tonne of Energy Grid Assembly to SHALLOW REEF." (I hadn't turned on the speechresponder.out functionality yet, the above is pasted from later). I got the same message when transferring to my ship.

I then went to fight thargoids, and upon launching a repair limpet, I got the "Limpet launched." message, but then "You have transferred 1 tonne of Energy Grid Assembly to SHALLOW REEF."

I get the same repeating message after each limpet I launch.

I tried adding: {set toShip to []} {set toCarrier to []} {set toSRV to []}

at the end of the function, but it didn't help.

yianniv commented 1 month ago

Also, in the same session, I get the same message after restocking limpets, or even when destroying them.

{ "timestamp":"2024-06-25T20:20:26Z", "event":"EjectCargo", "Type":"drones", "Type_Localised":"Limpet", "Count":1, "Abandoned":false } { "timestamp":"2024-06-25T20:20:29Z", "event":"Cargo", "Vessel":"Ship", "Count":15 }

"You have transferred 1 tonne of Energy Grid Assembly to SHALLOW REEF."

{ "timestamp":"2024-06-25T20:23:22Z", "event":"EjectCargo", "Type":"drones", "Type_Localised":"Limpet", "Count":1, "Abandoned":false } { "timestamp":"2024-06-25T20:23:25Z", "event":"Cargo", "Vessel":"Ship", "Count":14 }

"You have transferred 1 tonne of Energy Grid Assembly to your carrier."