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Commander Power property set to None even though pledged #2669

Open Darkcyde13 opened 3 days ago

Darkcyde13 commented 3 days ago

What's Wrong (please be as specific as possible)


cmdr.power property to be correctly populated by the Commander's pledged Power.


cmdr.power is set as 'None' when pledged to a power.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Pledge allegiance to a Power.
  2. Check the value of cmdr.power.
  3. Observe it is 'None'.


My Investigation

Investigation Notes

I've tried to add some Power Play reporting to my EDDI personality, and found that even though I've been pledge to Li Yong-Rui since the start of PP2, EDDI says that my Power is 'None'.

To check this, I just made a simple script that just voices {cmdr.power}, and it only says 'None'.



Player journals

This entry is at the start of the Journal, so EDDI should know who I'm pledged to: { "timestamp":"2024-11-28T22:19:25Z", "event":"Powerplay", "Power":"Li Yong-Rui", "Rank":7, "Merits":36842, "TimePledged":2079080 }

Darkcyde13 commented 3 days ago

Hmm, I think that it may also apply to systems. I'll need to do some more tests, but I've just tried the following:

{set reportSystem to SystemDetails("HIP 20935")}

This also says 'None', yet it is a Stronghold system for LYR. I've tried a couple of other LYR systems and they are all the same. I thought I had this work earlier today, I just can't remember what system I was in, but I could be mistaken.