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Link to compatible IPA translation website #296

Closed Tkael closed 5 years ago

Tkael commented 6 years ago

From @Rodan123: It would be helpful if someone provided a link in the documentation to a website that could do the IPA transcription. I had a ship name that I wanted to have sounded out phonetically and tried several IPA transcription websites. I found they all inserted characters that EDDI didn't like. Took much trial and error to find a combination of characters that would work. It would be nice to have a website that would take input and be able to cut and paste the IPA translation directly into EDDI. If you are already using such a website, please document it.

Tkael commented 6 years ago

@rodan123 I agree that a link would be helpful, but I can't say that I've found a single website that I feel is well suited for this purpose. Suggestions welcome!

rodan123 commented 6 years ago

Sorry didn't mean to derail issue #293. This is the website I had used; https://tophonetics.com/ Liked it because it has both American and British English dialects and also has audio playback so you can fine tune the transcription. It supports a number of other languages. (tabs on top)

Tkael commented 6 years ago

This looks promising. Unfortunately, the translator is down at the moment. We may also wish to note that many dictionaries now include IPA pronunciations of words.

StivlWrith commented 6 years ago

Personnaly i use (link for english page) There is lots of options. The only problem is that there is a limit of the number of transcription you can make in a day.

Tkael commented 6 years ago

All three of these are valid sources. We should also add a disclaimer noting that if IPA isn't working, the user should try a different voice. Voices are not all equally compliant to the standard ( see #296 ).