EDCD / EDMarketConnector

Downloads commodity market and other station data from the game Elite: Dangerous for use with all popular online and offline trading tools.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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EDMC authenticates, but no updates are made #2236

Closed rask closed 1 month ago

rask commented 1 month ago

Please complete the following information:

Describe the bug EDMC starts up fine, authenticates, but then the "Update" button does nothing, and during gameplay no live updates are sent to Inara or EDSM. When I press update a cooldown is initiated, but no data appears into the UI.

Expected behavior The Update button should let me fetch my system and station, instead of it being left blank. Depending on settings my actions should be streamed to Inara etc. live.

Additional context This problem started without any update or comparable triggering it from what I gather.

Rixxan commented 1 month ago

Hey there Rask!

Thanks for reporting. This doesn't appear to be an error with EDMC - the "Update" button isn't designed to push logs to the third party tools, it instead retreives data from the cAPI if the data is missing. This functionality is similar to what happens when you dock at a station.

I would recommend checking your settings menu to see if you have your Inara information configured, ensuring that things are configured properly.


The logs seem to indicate you are authenticating with a valid CMDR key from the cAPI, but I don't know on first glance about the Inara sends etc.

If these are properly configured, please let me know and we'll keep looking at it.

rask commented 1 month ago

The credentials are OK, and they have worked previously just fine.

Rixxan commented 1 month ago

Hmm. Try this:

In your install directory, please open a Terminal/Command Line/Powershell interface and run this command: .\EDMarketConnector.exe --forget-frontier-auth

This should force EDMC to reauthenticate with Frontier. We'll see if that shakes the dust loose.

Be sure when testing you log all the way into the game to the point you are in your ship.


rask commented 1 month ago

Weird, the issue seems to have resolved itself. I guess some service that EDMC contacts was just flaky for a few days.

I'll get back to this in case it happens again. I wonder if there are ways to do health checks on those services that might crap out on you.

Thanks for the help!

Rixxan commented 1 month ago

Glad it seems to be working again. Closing ticket, but if it comes back feel free to reopen.