EDCD / EDMarketConnector

Downloads commodity market and other station data from the game Elite: Dangerous for use with all popular online and offline trading tools.
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[2262] Generate Inara SLEF #2266

Open Rixxan opened 1 week ago

Rixxan commented 1 week ago


This PR adds the ability for users to copy the SLEF representation of their active ship to the clipboard, for export or usage in various other third party tools. Inara's SLEF format is a format of data serving for exporting and importing ship loadouts between apps and sites, based on a principle 'require what is necessary, do not force the rest'. See the Inara SLEF Docs

The PR adds an option to the right-click menu on the "Ship" tab, which is populated whenever a valid loadout is built by the game. The menu is disabled if no SLEF format is found and saved.

Example Images


Type of Change


How Tested

Tested under a variety of situations with both complete and incomplete builds to test a SLEF output, tested with various 3rd party SLEF importers such as Spansh's galaxy plotter and EDSY's import functionality.


Closes #2262