Open traveller42 opened 5 years ago
Can reproduce this bug but only if the hardpoint is occupied in the stock version.
Can confirm this bug still exists. If the hardpoint is occupied and you replace that hardpoint with a seismic charger, it does not show up in retrofit. If you change that seismic charger to a mining laser, it shows up in retrofit, as replacing the 'pulse laser' or whatever was in the hardpoint originally. Change it back to Seismic and nothing shows up. Meanwhile, if you add a Seismic Charger to an empty hardpoint slot, it shows up in retrofit costs...
While exploring mining builds on small ships, I was working with a Viper. (I have also verified this issue against a Cobra Mk III.)
Everything is fine until I install a new mining tool on a Medium Hardpoint.
If I have one of the new tools installed on a Medium Hardpoint, there is no entry in the Refit Costs tab. This results in the total being too low.
If I install a Miner Laser (either size) or a Mining Lance, it show the proper adjustment. If I leave the hardpoint empty, I get the expected credit.
I am using Chrome on a Windows 10 computer.