EDCD / coriolis

Coriolis Shipyard for Elite Dangerous
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Base shield info on front page is confusing or perhaps incorrect #698

Open neilser opened 2 years ago

neilser commented 2 years ago

I must start by saying that I'm not sure what "base" shield is meant to mean on the front page with the ship list. However, it doesn't appear to mean the most obvious thing - the default shield strength on purchase - and I can't work out any other meaning for it that remotely works. (For some other stats, "base" does seem to mean "as purchased".)

Case in point: the DBX and Dolphin are listed with base shield figures of 110 and 150 respectively. However, the actual shield strengths on purchase (both with a 4E gen) are 143 and 131 resp. I had been ruling out the Dolphin for a particular concept I'm working on because the shields seemed horribly weak but now that I have spotted the error, it's back in the frame...

I haven't yet browsed the code to work out why this is happening, but I'm happy to help with fixes if the code is at fault. If instead it's my failure to understand the meaning of "base shield" then I welcome some info ;-)

alex-williams commented 3 months ago

This is caused by the fact that Elite gives every ship a 'base shield' metric, which then needs to be adjusted when an actual shield generator is installed, to get the shield figure that the ship will actually then have... simply, the front page is showing the 'base shield' metric (completely useless to a player) that is used to calculate the actual shield figure it will have 'as purchased', rather than the calculated 'as purchased' shield figure, which would be helpful. This should be resolved by displaying the calculated shield figure on the front page, instead of the 'base shield' metric.