EDCD / coriolis

Coriolis Shipyard for Elite Dangerous
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Calculation for time to drain WEP capacitor seems to be incorrect #751

Open chennin opened 2 months ago

chennin commented 2 months ago

When comparing TTD WEP, I noticed a discrepancy. For testing, we used Stock Python (7E distro, two pips to WEP, two fixed 1F pulse lasers).

coriolis shows a TTD of 2m39s


EDSY shows 1m44s


testing ingame shows about 1m46s, which is pretty far off coriolis. Far enough that it doesn't look like a rounding error.

I also noticed the issue with a Python Mk2 and multicannons.

I don't fully understand the code, but I did find where I think it is: coriolis and EDSY.

If coriolis is overestimating the TTD then I have definitely been misjudging some builds' viability.

alex-williams commented 2 months ago

Confirmed, saw the test in EDCD Discord. Link provided to code that does the calculation is correct, calculation breaks somewhere and needs to be investigated.