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:nut_and_bolt: Kubetools is a tool and processes for developing and deploying microservices to Kubernetes.
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Force update rolling deployments #117

Open ryan109 opened 2 years ago

ryan109 commented 2 years ago


Currently some deployments fail/timeout (mainly hydra) as we get caught with crashloopbackoff containers, rolling update expects things to be healthy before proceeding. Hoping if we force update these containers it won't hang around and proceed. This could potentially be dangerous if we do it for every deployment, so it should be a flag we pass into the CLI at deploytime.

Parts of the app this will impact

Possible Implementation

Technically how could this be implemented. Which areas of the code could it touch.

We just need to pass in force based on k8s client docs https://github.com/kubernetes-client/python/blob/549482d8842a47c8b51122422e879e7cc497bf88/kubernetes/docs/AppsV1Api.md#patch_namespaced_deployment Requires QA

Yes / No

Design Work

Any links or notes that relate to design work for this feature

Backend Work

Any information about BE such as request URL's, JSON responses, errors or PR's

Acceptance Criteria

Clearly defined criteria for exactly how the feature should work

  1. When I do this It should do this

  2. Then if I do that It should do that

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