EDITD / kubetools

:nut_and_bolt: Kubetools is a tool and processes for developing and deploying microservices to Kubernetes.
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Investigate issues with failing deployment k8s deploy #119

Open ryan109 opened 2 years ago

ryan109 commented 2 years ago

We have a scenario when kubetools will deploy an app, and consider it successful even if the new containers haven't come up successfully.

This command deck deploy was were it was discovered: http://jenkins.edtd.net/job/EDITED%20Github/job/command_deck/job/master/164/console

According to the deploy output, all existing k8s objects were successfully pushed. However the first container in the deployment never came up as it had a dependancy issue. I would have thought the existing app deployments stage would have failed, but it didn't.

This didn't cause the app to come down, as the previous containers were never removed after the new version failed to rollout....again this is something I thought would have been caught by updating app deployments.

--> Executing changes:
    UPDATE service command-deck
    UPDATE deployment command-deck

--> Create and/or update namespace
    Update namespace: production

--> Update existing app deployments
    Update deployment: command-deck

--> Update existing app services
    Update service: command-deck