EDIorg / data-package-best-practices

Best Practices for data packages. a gh-pages website, with sections for metadata concepts and aspects of data packaging
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ideas and notes from LTER non-tabular working group #51

Open mobb opened 4 years ago

mobb commented 4 years ago

The group noticed the significant overlap between different sections, and thought about ways to reorganize them. no conclusions yet. Possible changes to organization include

Three major sections:

  1. EML metadata
  2. Raw Data package design 2.1. Genomics data 2.2. Image data 2.3. Model in/output 2.4. Code/scripts/software as data 2.5. Non-tabular geospatial data 2.6. Video
  3. General recommendation for all (most) datasets 3.1. Dates 3.2. Geographic coordinates: lats/long decimals (projection) 3.3. Taxa

Other considerations:

Consider a Letter or brief item to Ecological Bulletin when we have something ready.

Also see notes in this groups google drive.