EDIorg / data-package-best-practices

Best Practices for data packages. a gh-pages website, with sections for metadata concepts and aspects of data packaging
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remove broken link to ecocomDP packages #58

Closed twhiteaker closed 4 years ago

twhiteaker commented 4 years ago

Link on https://ediorg.github.io/data-package-best-practices/datapackage-design/code-in-edi.html to ecocomDP packages points to https://portal.edirepository.org/nis/simpleSearch, which isn't useful. I suggest just removing the link.

mobb commented 4 years ago

@twhiteaker the link should have pointed to this stored query: http://portal.edirepository.org:80/nis/simpleSearch?defType=edismax&q=ecocomDP&fq=-scope:ecotrends&fq=-scope:lter-landsat*&fl=id,packageid,title,author,organization,pubdate,coordinates&debug=false

Something must have gotten truncated. can you repair instead of delete? thanks.