EDMdesigner / editor-issues

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Converting HTML to project causing Entity Too Large error #110

Open samtlewis opened 6 years ago

samtlewis commented 6 years ago

On certain templates, when we try to use the api to convert to a project, we'll get an 413 Entity Too Large error from the EDM side. It looks like the html is converted to the document object but when we pass that to the "/project/create" path that is where we are seeing the Entity Too Large error. This is not with every template we import but seems to be with some more complex templates.

Is there a restriction on the size of a template that can be created using the "/project/create" method?

We are also seeing intermittent 504 Gateway timeout issues on api-import.edmdesigner.com as well.

`* Hostname in DNS cache was stale, zapped

< HTTP/1.1 100 Continue

smiska commented 6 years ago

Hi Sam,

There's a restriction of 2 MB per request body size in our server. Do you think it's possible that your project could exceed it? Could you send a projectID so I can check?

I added a colleague to this thread. I hope he has more information on this. Do you experience this in specific scenarios or is it a generally occurring issue?

samtlewis commented 6 years ago

The template we converted was not large at all. It was an 89kb file. But the json document was huge when it was returned. I think it came in at 5.8mb. Not sure I understand the increase in file size by that extent. I can't provide a projectID since the project creation fails. I can send the html that is converted if you like. What email should I send it to?

Just to confirm the process: We use the import html api to convert the html to the json object (89kb file uploaded, 5.8mb json object returned) We take the json object returned and try to create a project from it. The create project api call fails with the entity too large error.

smiska commented 6 years ago

It seems that the process fails because the JSON is too large for the API call.

Could you send the HTML and JSON to support@edmdesigner.com ? We will investigate this. I don't have in-depth knowledge about the import tool, but this JSON size is surprisingly large.

We could elevate the request body restriction, but I believe that it may be a better approach to make adjustments to the import tool.

samtlewis commented 6 years ago

@smiska I just emailed the html.

smiska commented 6 years ago

@samtlewis I notified @stubendek about it, we received the HTML thanks. We'll investigate it. There are special characters in the HTML, that could have an effect on the resulting size, but we'll take a deeper look at it.

samtlewis commented 6 years ago

@stubendek @smiska - Any update on this? We've got a number of clients being affected currently and it's holding them up. Is this an issue on the html import or something we may be doing on our side?

stubendek commented 6 years ago

@samtlewis , we are working on the issue. we localized the error, it affects the text recongition core, it takes time to correct it. however, there are some tricks how to avoid the error: 1) the most important thing is to wrap texts in a paragraph tag (P), that corrects the large json issue and the aligning as well 2) The html tag BIG is deprecated, thus it is removed from the source, try using styles. 3) Try avoiding non-html characters, like the \95 We will send a corrected version of the mail.

samtlewis commented 6 years ago

Great, thanks for the update. We don't have control of the html but we'll advise our clients of these steps.

samtlewis commented 6 years ago

Any update on this issue? Any changes made to the conversion process to reduce the file size and avoid these errors?