EDRN Production Program for the Public/Private Portal (P5)
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New Dublin Core Descriptions for Major Portal Sections #148

Closed nutjob4life closed 1 year ago

nutjob4life commented 2 years ago

@hoodriverheather came up with these DC descriptions for major sections of the portal. They should be discussed and then edited in:

Data – A data sharing resource, Laboratory Archive and Catalog System, (LabCAS) for the EDRN for the capture and organization of scientific data. This infrastructure allows investigators to securely capture, process, and dissemination data to other investigators. It is a goal of JPL, in collaboration with NCI, to integrate multi-omics data for biomarker research to support sharing and analysis of biomarker data seamlessly across NCI, forming the Biomarkers Knowledge Environment. The infrastructure provides the ability to run arbitrarily complex data processing workflows from genomics to imaging, as well as other microservices to validate data during ingestion and link clinical and scientific datasets together.

Biomarkers – The Biomarker Database (BMDB), a biomarker-centric database that contains the definition of each cancer biomarker, integrates experimental results and scientific conclusions from across the EDRN information landscape, enriches the EDRN data with public resources, and allows single-point access to all information through the EDRN Public Portal. The BMDB is a high quality, manually annotated and non-redundant cancer biomarker database containing biomarkers and biomarker panels from many different organ sites. The goal of the EDRN Informatics Center is to capture and annotate all biomarkers researched within the EDRN consortium. The biomarkers are linked in the portal to the protocols, data and publications providing a complete picture of the scientific research.

Protocols - EDRN's research is summarized in study and project protocols, which consist of the objectives, methodology, study design, and other experimental details that make discovery and refinement of biomarkers possible. The protocols are also linked in the portal to the biomarkers, data, sites and investigators providing a complete picture of the scientific research.

Publications – EDRN researcher publications captured since the inception of EDRN and linked to biomarkers, investigator and PubMed.

nutjob4life commented 1 year ago

Installed the above text into the appropriate meta descriptions' sections.

hoodriverheather commented 1 year ago

@nutjob4life I'm not sure I came up with these descriptions 🙃. Where did you get these? Where are they showing in portal?

nutjob4life commented 1 year ago

@hoodriverheather these came from an email from you from 2022-01-24; see it here:

Heather's email with Dublic Core descriptions.pdf

These show up as the search description if you search for "Data", "Publications", "Biomarkers", or "Protocols" for the corresponding index pages for data, publications, biomarkers, or protocols.

They're also given to search engines as the description for those pages.

Example: search for "biomarkers":

Screenshot 2023-03-10 at 2 07 32 PM

Google puts in its metadata index:

The Biomarker Database (BMDB), a biomarker-centric database that contains the definition of each cancer biomarker, integrates experimental results and scientific conclusions from across the EDRN information landscape, enriches the EDRN data with public resources, and allows single-point access to all information through the EDRN Public Portal. The BMDB is a high quality, manually annotated and non-redundant cancer biomarker database containing biomarkers and biomarker panels from many different organ sites. The goal of the EDRN Informatics Center is to capture and annotate all biomarkers researched within the EDRN consortium. The biomarkers are linked in the portal to the protocols, data and publications providing a complete picture of the scientific research.
nutjob4life commented 1 year ago

@hoodriverheather also! Feel free to change these.

You can change any page's "search description" by

  1. Logging into the portal.
  2. Navigate to a page.
  3. Click the NIH badge in the corner and choose "Edit this page"
  4. Click the "Promote" tab
  5. In the "Meta description" box, enter your desired text.
  6. Clck "Publish"

Have fun! 😁

nutjob4life commented 1 year ago

@hoodriverheather to QC this, go to the Wagtail admin interface and navigate to these pages:

Choose to "Edit" each page and click the "Promote" tab. Ensure the "Meta Description" contains the correct text.