EDRN Production Program for the Public/Private Portal (P5)
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Metadata Collection Form #238

Closed nutjob4life closed 1 year ago

nutjob4life commented 1 year ago

See https://app.diagrams.net/#G1P7zvvPydbZ08-epAvsg_vZUL0Wgz_AwS

nutjob4life commented 1 year ago

@hoodriverheather I have a prototype here:


Since there's no CAPTCHA, I think we should require a login to access it. If it needs to be open to the public, we'll add a CAPTCHA.

Some differences from your wireframe:

When you hit Submit, the portal generates a collection-level .cfg file and emails it. Right now the email goes to you and me while we test.

hoodriverheather commented 1 year ago

@nutjob4 sorry for the delay on looking at this! I'm just trying to get to the dev portal and getting an error - "Internal Server Error". Can you let me know when it's back up?

nutjob4life commented 1 year ago

Goodness gracious, no apology needed ๐Ÿ˜‡

The site is back up: https://edrn-dev.jpl.nasa.gov/portal/renaissance/

hoodriverheather commented 1 year ago

@nutjob4life It's looking good! I wonder if we could provide pick list values in the form right now for the items that are coming from KDSB? Eventually we could decide to pull from KSDB if people really use the form :) I really like the description text that you have on some of the items. I'll take a closer look to provide descriptions for some of the other fields. Do you think you could create the .cfg using Asitang's key value pairs? We haven't done this yet in LabCAS, but it how we want to move forward.https://github.com/EDRN/labcas_publish/commit/a02c1a7d7b1f6c7ffe1215d775993eb3c746d83a

nutjob4life commented 1 year ago

@hoodriverheather You got it!

If you can tell me the current permissible values in KSDB, I can put them in. (I tried logging into KSDB but neither my EDRN nor my Consortium for Molecular and Cellular Characterization of Screen-Detected Lesions passwords work).

As for @asitang's key-value pairs, could you tell me which lines need to change?

CollectionName = Heather Test
CollectionDescription = This is a test collection description.
Discipline = Genomics
DataCategory = RNA Sequencing
Institution = NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
InstitutionId = 128
LeadPI = Crichton, Dan
LeadPIId = 1075
DataCustodian = Heather Kincaid
DataCustodianEmail = heather.kincaid@jpl.nasa.gov
Organ = Blood
OrganId = 2
CollaborativeGroup = lung
Consortium = EDRN
ProtocolName = Standard Specimen Reference Set:  Prostate
ProtocolId = 120
Species = Homo Sapiens
OwnerPrincipal = cn=JPL,dc=edrn,dc=jpl,dc=nasa,dc=gov|cn=DMCC,dc=edrn,dc=jpl,dc=nasa,dc=gov

I read over that link, but I don't understand what it's supposed to be (and why aren't you guys just using RDF subject URIsโ€ฝ).

So instead of

ProtocolName = Standard Specimen Reference Set:  Prostate

it's supposed to be

ProtocolName = Protocol_ProtocolID_120

Is that right? What other lines above are affected? ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ

hoodriverheather commented 1 year ago

@nutjob4life Here's the list for Discipline: Genomics Proteomics Pathology Images Radiology Immunology Pathology Undefined

Here's the list for Data Category: Sequencing RNA Sequencing DNA Methylation Sequencing DNA Microarray Analysis Mass Spectrometry Whole Slide Imaging Tissue Micro Array Immunohistochemestry CT MRI Mammography Fluoroscopy PET Documentation Biospecimen Clinical Immunoassay ELISA Luminex LabMAP Protein Microarray Single Slide Image Multiplex-Immunoflourescent Staining Radiomics Antibody Microarray

This google sheet actually has more current values than KSDB. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jvoSqXNupkV6T7Ptn7vtH2Iszx09sWvysRb8q8nSSpw/edit#gid=0

As for the key value pairs. It would be best to ask @asitang the format of the values and why we aren't using RDF subject URIs. I think we would use this for the following: Institution, LeadPI, Organ. Any pick lists.

nutjob4life commented 1 year ago

Thanks @hoodriverheather! I used the Google Sheet in order to the latest-and-greatest for Discipline and DataCategory. While there, I also grabbed Species.

Two things:

Woops, that three things ๐Ÿ˜…

Anyway, please see https://edrn-dev.jpl.nasa.gov/portal/renaissance/data-and-resources/metadata-collection-form/ for the latest.

hoodriverheather commented 1 year ago

@nutjob4life Thanks for catching all of these!

I realized after filling in the form the following:

nutjob4life commented 1 year ago

Please check out the latest dev form.

Next questions I have:

nutjob4life commented 1 year ago

@hoodriverheather please check out the open questions โ†‘ when you get a chance ๐Ÿ™

hoodriverheather commented 1 year ago

@nutjob4life here are answers to the above questions:

nutjob4life commented 1 year ago

@hoodriverheather to QC this:

hoodriverheather commented 1 year ago

@nutjob4life This is sooooo close.

What about adding the following text to the science data page. If you have data you would like captured or linked in LabCAS, please complete the Metadata Collection Form. Or contact the Informatics Center with any questions.

I'm struggling with what to call the Reference URL and the Reference URL Description. Users never understand what this field is. How about: Change the label of Reference URL to URL link and change the description to: Optional URL link to external or additional data described by this collection. WDYT?

nutjob4life commented 1 year ago

@hoodriverheather okay here's how the Data page could look:

Screenshot 2023-03-14 at 5 10 40 PM

That look all right? The "Informatics Center" is a mailto: link to ic-portal@jpl.nasa.gov.

For the form itself, I used your suggested text:

Screenshot 2023-03-14 at 5 11 25 PM

Does that look okay? Should the "Reference URL Description" change too?

hoodriverheather commented 1 year ago

@nutjob4life I think that looks great! Thanks!!

nutjob4life commented 1 year ago

@hoodriverheather okay, sending to edrn-dev

nutjob4life commented 1 year ago

@hoodriverheather to QC this:

hoodriverheather commented 1 year ago

This looks great!! ๐ŸŽ‰