EDRN / biokey

BioKey — cancer bioinformatics user profile management
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Test the registration form with a test user #2

Open nutjob4life opened 2 months ago

nutjob4life commented 2 months ago

📜 Describe the Requirement

The registration form shall be tested with a test user.

The test user should be able to access LabCAS data University_of_Washington_Microarray_Data

☑️ Success Criteria

Replace this text by answering the question: if the software satisfies the requirement, how would you know? You can use GitHub check boxes (i.e., - [ ] box label) if you like.

〽️ Alternative Ideas

Replace this text with a description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.

🗺 Context

Requested by @hoodriverheather

nutjob4life commented 1 week ago

@hoodriverheather to test this, first register a new user using the procedure in #1

Then, as an admin, approve the new user. This will add the user to the appropriate group:

Then, confirm the group membership. For EDRN, run this at a Terminal:

ldapsearch -LLL -x -W -D uid=admin,ou=system -H ldaps://edrn-ds.jpl.nasa.gov -b dc=edrn,dc=jpl,dc=nasa,dc=gov -s one '(cn=Public Data)' uniqueMember | grep USERNAME

For MCL, it's:

ldapsearch -LLL -x -W -D uid=admin,ou=system -H ldaps://edrn-ds.jpl.nasa.gov -b ou=groups,o=MCL -s one '(cn=All MCL)' uniqueMember | grep USERNAME

For NIST, it's:

ldapsearch -LLL -x -W -D uid=admin,ou=system -H ldaps://edrn-ds.jpl.nasa.gov -b ou=groups,o=NIST -s one '(cn=All Users)' uniqueMember | grep USERNAME

Replace USERNAME with the username of the newly created user. When prompted for a password, enter the LDAP admin password.

If you get a line like

uniqueMember: uid=USERNAME,…

then the member was approved and added to the correct group. If you get nothing, the user wasn't added.