Open austeregrim opened 6 years ago
Note that there is no way to tell if planets or moons are missing if all of the previous planets and/or moons have been scanned, unless there is a gap in body IDs that can't be explained with belts or barycentres.
So it would only be possible to detect:
I can see how that would be a set back. So why not just show closest systems with no data at all? Or only a main sequence star... give some options. All though this may be pointless with the exploration update, and tools coming with it.
I can see how that would be a set back. So why not just show closest systems with no data at all? Or only a main sequence star... give some options. All though this may be pointless with the exploration update, and tools coming with it.
Many systems only feature a lonely star.
I'm hearing a lot of problems, but no solutions. I'm very aware that this search function isn't perfect, but it's a start to actually giving guidance to what is missing, instead of plotting my own path, and only getting systems in a straight line.
Wait, how can we search for something we don't know is there yet? I am probably missing something,...
Systems honked in 3.3 should show the progress toward fully scanning the system.
Is there a log entry stating the percentage?
The FSSDiscoveryScan
event (which will be introduced with 3.3 [Beyond Chapter 4]) will contain the number of bodies in the system.
Hm. Do you have an example log? Don't have the beta downloaded :)
{ "timestamp":"2018-11-21T12:48:33Z", "event":"FSDJump", "StarSystem":"Eol Prou JR-K c9-192", "SystemAddress":52844438102610, "StarPos":[-9516.50000,-815.93750,19836.50000], "SystemAllegiance":"", "SystemEconomy":"$economy_None;", "SystemEconomy_Localised":"None", "SystemSecondEconomy":"$economy_None;", "SystemSecondEconomy_Localised":"None", "SystemGovernment":"$government_None;", "SystemGovernment_Localised":"None", "SystemSecurity":"$GAlAXY_MAP_INFO_state_anarchy;", "SystemSecurity_Localised":"Anarchy", "Population":0, "JumpDist":49.437, "FuelUsed":4.698764, "FuelLevel":23.147406 }
{ "timestamp":"2018-11-21T12:48:34Z", "event":"Music", "MusicTrack":"Supercruise" }
{ "timestamp":"2018-11-21T12:48:40Z", "event":"Scan", "ScanType":"AutoScan", "BodyName":"Eol Prou JR-K c9-192 A Belt Cluster 3", "BodyID":4, "Parents":[ {"Ring":1}, {"Star":0} ], "DistanceFromArrivalLS":2.404233 }
{ "timestamp":"2018-11-21T12:48:40Z", "event":"Scan", "ScanType":"AutoScan", "BodyName":"Eol Prou JR-K c9-192", "BodyID":0, "DistanceFromArrivalLS":0.000000, "StarType":"K", "StellarMass":0.550781, "Radius":435685056.000000, "AbsoluteMagnitude":7.391632, "Age_MY":9974, "SurfaceTemperature":4048.000000, "Luminosity":"Va", "RotationPeriod":218213.171875, "AxialTilt":0.000000, "Rings":[ { "Name":"Eol Prou JR-K c9-192 A Belt", "RingClass":"eRingClass_Rocky", "MassMT":3.8818e+12, "InnerRad":7.1888e+08, "OuterRad":2.0931e+09 }, { "Name":"Eol Prou JR-K c9-192 B Belt", "RingClass":"eRingClass_MetalRich", "MassMT":1.933e+14, "InnerRad":1.0316e+11, "OuterRad":1.6369e+11 } ] }
{ "timestamp":"2018-11-21T12:48:40Z", "event":"Scan", "ScanType":"AutoScan", "BodyName":"Eol Prou JR-K c9-192 A Belt Cluster 5", "BodyID":6, "Parents":[ {"Ring":1}, {"Star":0} ], "DistanceFromArrivalLS":6.822914 }
{ "timestamp":"2018-11-21T12:48:40Z", "event":"Scan", "ScanType":"AutoScan", "BodyName":"Eol Prou JR-K c9-192 2", "BodyID":8, "Parents":[ {"Star":0} ], "DistanceFromArrivalLS":35.304718, "TidalLock":true, "TerraformState":"", "PlanetClass":"High metal content body", "Atmosphere":"", "AtmosphereType":"None", "Volcanism":"", "MassEM":0.005038, "Radius":1126214.250000, "SurfaceGravity":1.583036, "SurfaceTemperature":524.139648, "SurfacePressure":0.000000, "Landable":true, "Materials":[ { "Name":"iron", "Percent":22.917816 }, { "Name":"nickel", "Percent":17.334076 }, { "Name":"sulphur", "Percent":16.092442 }, { "Name":"carbon", "Percent":13.532077 }, { "Name":"chromium", "Percent":10.306904 }, { "Name":"phosphorus", "Percent":8.663467 }, { "Name":"germanium", "Percent":4.754024 }, { "Name":"arsenic", "Percent":2.126064 }, { "Name":"niobium", "Percent":1.566311 }, { "Name":"tin", "Percent":1.475523 }, { "Name":"tellurium", "Percent":1.231302 } ], "Composition":{ "Ice":0.000000, "Rock":0.666975, "Metal":0.333025 }, "SemiMajorAxis":10584139776.000000, "Eccentricity":0.000019, "OrbitalInclination":0.000037, "Periapsis":272.290375, "OrbitalPeriod":797487.312500, "RotationPeriod":787139.750000, "AxialTilt":-0.073695 }
{ "timestamp":"2018-11-21T12:48:40Z", "event":"FSSDiscoveryScan", "Progress":0.120021, "BodyCount":30, "NonBodyCount":15 }
{ "timestamp":"2018-11-21T12:48:41Z", "event":"Scan", "ScanType":"AutoScan", "BodyName":"Eol Prou JR-K c9-192 A Belt Cluster 2", "BodyID":3, "Parents":[ {"Ring":1}, {"Star":0} ], "DistanceFromArrivalLS":6.453300 }
{ "timestamp":"2018-11-21T12:48:41Z", "event":"Scan", "ScanType":"AutoScan", "BodyName":"Eol Prou JR-K c9-192 A Belt Cluster 1", "BodyID":2, "Parents":[ {"Ring":1}, {"Star":0} ], "DistanceFromArrivalLS":5.211459 }
{ "timestamp":"2018-11-21T12:48:41Z", "event":"Scan", "ScanType":"AutoScan", "BodyName":"Eol Prou JR-K c9-192 A Belt Cluster 4", "BodyID":5, "Parents":[ {"Ring":1}, {"Star":0} ], "DistanceFromArrivalLS":6.621009 }
{ "timestamp":"2018-11-21T12:48:42Z", "event":"Scan", "ScanType":"AutoScan", "BodyName":"Eol Prou JR-K c9-192 1", "BodyID":7, "Parents":[ {"Star":0} ], "DistanceFromArrivalLS":20.481226, "TidalLock":false, "TerraformState":"", "PlanetClass":"High metal content body", "Atmosphere":"", "AtmosphereType":"None", "Volcanism":"", "MassEM":0.011067, "Radius":1452063.125000, "SurfaceGravity":2.092056, "SurfaceTemperature":690.909058, "SurfacePressure":0.000000, "Landable":true, "Materials":[ { "Name":"iron", "Percent":21.913471 }, { "Name":"nickel", "Percent":16.574430 }, { "Name":"sulphur", "Percent":15.152842 }, { "Name":"carbon", "Percent":12.741971 }, { "Name":"chromium", "Percent":9.855215 }, { "Name":"manganese", "Percent":9.050039 }, { "Name":"phosphorus", "Percent":8.157628 }, { "Name":"zirconium", "Percent":2.544605 }, { "Name":"niobium", "Percent":1.497669 }, { "Name":"yttrium", "Percent":1.308865 }, { "Name":"tungsten", "Percent":1.203270 } ], "Composition":{ "Ice":0.000000, "Rock":0.651783, "Metal":0.348217 }, "SemiMajorAxis":6140112896.000000, "Eccentricity":0.000001, "OrbitalInclination":-0.001253, "Periapsis":135.600494, "OrbitalPeriod":352374.875000, "RotationPeriod":-343660.937500, "AxialTilt":-2.977031 }
{ "timestamp":"2018-11-21T12:48:42Z", "event":"Scan", "ScanType":"Detailed", "BodyName":"Eol Prou JR-K c9-192", "BodyID":0, "DistanceFromArrivalLS":0.000000, "StarType":"K", "StellarMass":0.550781, "Radius":435685056.000000, "AbsoluteMagnitude":7.391632, "Age_MY":9974, "SurfaceTemperature":4048.000000, "Luminosity":"Va", "RotationPeriod":218213.171875, "AxialTilt":0.000000, "Rings":[ { "Name":"Eol Prou JR-K c9-192 A Belt", "RingClass":"eRingClass_Rocky", "MassMT":3.8818e+12, "InnerRad":7.1888e+08, "OuterRad":2.0931e+09 }, { "Name":"Eol Prou JR-K c9-192 B Belt", "RingClass":"eRingClass_MetalRich", "MassMT":1.933e+14, "InnerRad":1.0316e+11, "OuterRad":1.6369e+11 } ] }
{ "timestamp":"2018-11-21T12:48:51Z", "event":"FuelScoop", "Scooped":5.004313, "Total":28.151718 }
{ "timestamp":"2018-11-21T12:48:54Z", "event":"FuelScoop", "Scooped":0.715064, "Total":28.866793 }
{ "timestamp":"2018-11-21T12:49:11Z", "event":"StartJump", "JumpType":"Hyperspace", "StarSystem":"Eol Prou DA-T b19-45", "SystemAddress":99499222844585, "StarClass":"M" }
{ "timestamp":"2018-11-21T12:48:40Z", "event":"FSSDiscoveryScan", "Progress":0.120021, "BodyCount":30, "NonBodyCount":15 }
This seems doable and could be displayed on the individual system pages aswell.
It is already in place in bodies listing. Search will come later.
ohh /facepalm sorry :D
If you weren't on the EDSM discord back on 2nd November, you mightn't have seen:
Anthor (EDSM/EDDN): Teasing:
Simple request, a search function that shows systems closest to the commander, but has not been scanned (missing stars, and bodies), or not fully scanned (missing bodies).
This would allow me to find the next system closest to me, that needs to be scanned for EDSM data.