EDSN-NL / APIManager

Enterprise Architect plugin for CDM and API management.
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Error generating an API declaration #5

Closed Sander3003 closed 5 years ago

Sander3003 commented 5 years ago

When I want to generate an service definition (https://github.com/wmeijers/APIManager/wiki/API-Manager:-genereren-REST-API Step 3) I receive an error:

9-4-2019 08:28:01 INFO: SparxEA.Logging.openLog >> EA Logging initiated!
9-4-2019 08:45:36 ERROR: Plugin.Application.CapabilityModel.Service >> Configuration error: can't find the Service Support Model at: 'ECDMRoot:Framework:Extensions:ExtensionPackages:ServiceSupportModel_V1.0'!
9-4-2019 08:45:36
ERROR: Plugin.Application.CapabilityModel.Service >> Service creation failed because: System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException: Configuration error: can't find the Service Support Model at: 'ECDMRoot:Framework:Extensions:ExtensionPackages:ServiceSupportModel_V1.0'! bij Plugin.Application.CapabilityModel.Service..ctor(MEPackage containerPackage, String qualifiedServiceName, String declarationStereotype, OperationalState initialState, Ticket remoteTicket, String projectOrderID) in \Mac\ECDM_ROOT\Sparx EA\Add-Ins\API Manager\APIManager\src\Application\CapabilityModel\Service.cs:regel 329
9-4-2019 08:45:36 **ERROR: Framework.Event.EventManager.handleEvent >> Caught an exception: System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException: Configuration error: can't find the Service Support Model at: 'ECDMRoot:Framework:Extensions:ExtensionPackages:ServiceSupportModel_V1.0'! bij Plugin.Application.CapabilityModel.Service..ctor(MEPackage containerPackage, String qualifiedServiceName, String declarationStereotype, OperationalState initialState, Ticket remoteTicket, String projectOrderID) in \Mac\ECDM_ROOT\Sparx EA\Add-Ins\API Manager\APIManager\src\Application\CapabilityModel\Service.cs:regel 355 bij Plugin.Application.CapabilityModel.API.RESTService..ctor(MEPackage containerPackage, MetaData metaData, List`1 resources, String declarationStereotype, OperationalState initialState, Ticket remoteTicket, String projectOrderID) in \Mac\ECDM_ROOT\Sparx EA\Add-Ins\API Manager\APIManager\src\Application\CapabilityModel\API\RESTService.cs:regel 76 bij Plugin.Application.Events.API.CreateRESTServiceDeclarationEvent.HandleEvent() in \Mac\ECDM_ROOT\Sparx EA\Add-Ins\API Manager\APIManager\src\Application\CapabilityEvents\API\CreateRESTServiceDeclarationEvent.cs:regel 47 bij Framework.Event.Event.HandleEvent() in \Mac\ECDM_ROOT\Sparx EA\Add-Ins\API Manager\APIManager\src\Framework\Event\Event.cs:regel 61 bij Framework.Event.EventManager.HandleEvent(TreeScope scope, String parentName, String eventName) in \Mac\ECDM_ROOT\Sparx EA\Add-Ins\API Manager\APIManager\src\Framework\Event\EventManager.cs:regel 141

I'm using EA14.1.1427 on Windows 10 and test it in the SampleFramework.eap.

Sander3003 commented 5 years ago

Naming of the packege might be the issue:


ServiceSupportModel instead of ServiceSupportModel_V1.0

wmeijers commented 5 years ago

Ah, yes. That has been a change from some time ago: to be backwards compatible with earlier interfaces but at the same time be able to support newer header structures, we have been forced to use version numbers for these packages. The correct name of the package is as state: ServiceSupportModel_V1.0.

Sander3003 commented 5 years ago

Thanks, update the sample framework cloud be on the back-log.

wmeijers commented 5 years ago

I have created a 'template' project that contains the complete ECDM Framework as well as all the relevant reference models and a sample API. Can't push it to Git though, since the EAP is (compressed) > 300MB ;-)

Sander3003 commented 5 years ago

A release could be an option: https://help.github.com/en/articles/distributing-large-binaries

wmeijers commented 5 years ago

EATemplateProject-20190409.eap has been submitted using the Git LFS extension. All .EAP files in the repository are now tracked using LFS so you can treat them "as usual", regardless of size ;-) You must need to install the Git LFS extension though.

wmeijers commented 5 years ago

Sample Framework has been corrected and submitted.

wmeijers commented 5 years ago

Please read this regarding GIT Collaboration using LFS: Collaboration with GIT Large File Storage

Sander3003 commented 5 years ago

Thanks, I have added this to the documentation.